Throughout the whole project we do pair programming.
Brigitte fragen
Simple format
>rubocop --format simple
Simple format written to result.txt
>rubocop --format simple -o result.txt
Useful for CI environments. It will create an HTML report
>rubocop --format html -o rubocop.html
link annotate-github
run annotate
in root of your project
inserts the db schema as comments in your model.rb file
changes model files!
link railroady-github
run rake diagram:all
to create a models_complete.svg
UML diagram generation for Rails projects, capable of analyzing existing models and controllers
link lib-vips
link devise-github
link friendly_id-github
Add a slug column to the desired table (e.g. Users)
rails g migration AddSlugToUsers slug:uniq
Generate the friendly configuration file and a new migration
rails generate friendly_id
With FriendlyId, it's easy to make your application use URLs like:
instead of:
link brita-github
link searchkick
FIXME: probably need to install and start elasticsearch with brew
link Active Admin
rails generate actice_admin:install
rails db:migrate
orrake db:migrate
- start server again
rails server
link letter_opener-github
Set the delivery method in config/environments/development.rb
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :letter_opener
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
LetterOpener.configure do |config|
# To overrider the location for message storage.
# Default value is <tt>tmp/letter_opener</tt>
config.location = Rails.root.join('tmp', 'my_mails')
# To render only the message body, without any metadata or extra containers or styling.
# Default value is <tt>:default</tt> that renders styled message with showing useful metadata.
config.message_template = :light
rails is able to run "jobs" once a day/once per hour
- User
- Plants