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* Implemented new CRVE base class and derived the Static-CRVE class. * Implemented Agglomerative Algorithm abstract class and HA-CRVE class. * Fix: Made clustering_solutions 'private' and fixed its initialization. * Phasewise redefinition of adaptive mapping dictionaries. * Refactored clustering module as a Clustering class. * New offline state '.crve' file - Replaced '.clusters' and '.cit' files by a '.crve' file containing a CRVE instance; * Implemented clustering adaptive split factor reader. * Implemented CRVE_Type keyword and CRVE type specific clustering options dictionary. * Implemented utility function to check if float is bounded. * Updated packager with new variables. * Updated CRATE input data file. * Updated Clustering class. * Restructured CRATE main module. - When same offline stage, the CRVE is loaded, including both CRVE descriptors and clustering interaction tensors; - Same offline stage compatibility checking procedures have been removed; * Implemented module with unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithms. * Implemented HA-CRVE in module CRVE. - Moved clustering algorithms to specific module; - Merged CIT computation into CRVE class (method); - ATTENTION: Compacted CIT computation code by placing CIT matricial forms in a list (attribute) as well as the GOP dfts; - Added the 'adaptive' mode to CIT computations in order to efficiently perform the computation of the adaptive CIT (avoid full computation); * Furter compact CIT computation code. * Removed CIT compatibility check method and properly documented discrete frequencies method. * Moved CIT operations module to clustering folder. * Deleted CIT folder and CIT module (merged with CRVE class). * Fixed HA-CRVE adaptivity (prevent target clusters to be leaves, enforce minimum of one split). * Implemented CRVE adaptivity module. * Add adaptivity verbose option and adaptive_time atribute to A-CRVE class. * Updated documentation from Macroscale Loading Incrementation module. * Small fix in documentation. * Updated documentation of Homogenization module. * Small documentation fix. * Updated documentation in CIT operations module. * Forgot to commit some changes related to the updates in Homogenization module. * Merged the global CIT matrix update and assembly methods. * Migrated cluster interaction tensors direct computation methods to CRVE class. * Implemented CRVE online adaptivity manager. * Implemented cluster analysis scheme reader. * Updated ClusterAnalysisData and fixed standardization method constructor. * Updated input data file. * Clustering type ('static' or 'adaptive') made optional, defaults to 'static'. * Implemented clustering adaptivity frequency reader and deleted old clustering related readers and parameters. * Updated clustering instantiation and sca module call. * Updated input data file: adaptivity control features. * Updated input data file read: adaptivity control features. * Removed CRVE types. * Updated CRVE class (cluster-reduced material phases formulation). - Fixed pop non-existent clusters in 'adaptive' CIT computation; * Minor updates in packager and clusteringdata. * Removed CRVE types. * Implemented simple interface to perform a cluster analysis. * Massive update of CRVE adaptivity module. - New adaptivity related objects; - Dealing with cluster-reduced material phases; - Generalization of clustering adaptivity control features; * Updated SCA module with clustering adaptivity. * Implementation of cluster-reduced material phase classes. * Minor documentation fix. * Implemented clustering adaptivity frequency control in Adaptivity Manager. * Some renaming and info outputs. * Bypassed clustering module. * Removed cluster interaction tensors from clustering dictionary. * Removed forgotten print. * Implemented adaptivity step output. * Implemented clustering adaptivity output keyword. * Add adaptive clustering scheme checking procedure. * Removed clustering module. * Avoiding deprecated array indexing warning. * Removed old adaptive split factor reader. * Changed adaptive split factor (HAACRMP) default value. * Updated adaptivity output. * Remove adaptivity print outputs. * Fixed adaptivity trigger condition when null denominator. * Updated CRATE release version. * Fixed input data file documentation.
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