This is a Mac app that provides a simple and complete GUI for the SiriProxy server developed by Plamoni.
To download go to the desired version. The latest one is version 1.1 final.
The avaliable ones are version 1.0, version 1.1 beta 1 and version 1.1 final.
Instructions on how to install and explanations are below the downloads section.
Screenshots are avaliable in each download section.
Download Link:
Version: 1.1
Build: 2
This is the final release of version 1.1
New features:
- timer
- bug fixes
- improved script
- new about page
- new settings
- console
- log level
Screen shots:
- Screen shot 1 - version 1.1 final
- Screen shot 2 - version 1.1 final
- Screen shot 3 - version 1.1 final
Download Link:
Version: 1.1 beta 1
The Xcode project for version 1.1 beta 1 is on this repository.
Version 1.1 beta 1 has included:
- timer
- improved script
- advanced settings (console/log level)
Download link:
Version: 1
Build: 1
Screen shots:
You must have SiriProxy server installed. This is only a GUI.
To run just double-click the app icon. You may relocate it to the Applications folder.
Configure it or leave it to default settings and run.
To install the server check Plamoni's SiriProxy repository. (Maybe future updates will auto install...)
Thanks to Plamoni for his wonderful SiriProxy server. Check him on GitHub.
Thanks to the developers involved in this complex Siri custom commands server.
- Start: it starts the server in a Terminal window. This window will be hidden.
- Stop: stops the running server by stopping all Ruby and Dnsmasq processes.
- Restart: restarts the running server and bundles it. This will restart Dnsmasq.
- Bundle: bundles the server. This will not affect Dnsmasq.
- Update: updates the server to it's latest version from the original source.
- Gencert: generates the required certificate. This certificate allows the computer to connect with the server.
- Hide: hides all Siri Proxy and Terminal windows.
- Show: shows all Siri Proxy and Terminal windows.
- Enable Console: enables the console button.
- Console: used to test plugins in terminal.
Text Fields
obs: leave the text fields blank for default configs.
- Port: select the port to run the server.
- IP: select the ip to run the server.
- /SiriProxy: locate the SiriProxy installation folder. This is where the bin folder is. DO NOT select any other folder inside the SiriProxy folder. It MUST be SiriProxy
- /.siriproxy: locate the other SiriProxy installation folder. This is where the config.yml file is.
- Password: admin user password to activate the server. It DOES NOT share your password. If no password is inputed, the program will prompt for it when needed.
- Log Level: choose the log level to run the server. By default the value is 1.
- This WILL NOT install Siri on a non approved Apple iDevide, microwave, etc.
- This is only a GUI for SiriProxy. It DOES NOT install the server. Maybe on future updates...
- This program uses AppleScript for most of the code and a plist file in "~/Library/Application Support/Siri Proxy/". A possible solution for missing data or values is to delete the plist file. The program will create a new one.