This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
This code is live at
- Install dependencies locally with
npm install
- Setup images to work correctly
- Setup
database and related authentication1. npm install firebase (if not already done) 2. Create a new project for firebase 3. Click project overview in the left panel and add Firebase to web app 4. Copy the config value and paste in src/firebase/firebase.utils.js : firebaseConfig 5. If config for the first time then navigate to the firebase console 1. Develop -> Authentication -> Set up sign-in method 2. Enable needed auth methods : sign in with gmail 3. Create a firestore database in test mode with a root `users` collection 4. Enable sign in with Email/Password 5. Check console log if any error occurs.
- Setup
for payment and credit card mocking1. npm install react-stripe-checkout (if not already installed) 2. Signup or sign into stripe payments 3. In developers tab -> API keys -> copy publishable key 4. Paste info in src/components/stripe-button/stripe-button-component.jsx
- Run locally
npm run develop
- Deploy to
1. Install heroku-cli 2. Create a heroku account and log in in the terminal 3. heroku create *YOUR_APP_NAME* --buildpack mars/create-react-app 4. git push heroku master 5. Click on the deployed link at https://*YOUR_APP_NAME* 6. To sign in properly with google add the above urls to the authorized domains in firebase-> authentication-> sign-in methods
- ENJOY!!!