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        //  Langage Objet pour la RElativite NumeriquE  //
        //                  (LORENE)                    //

	 $Id: README,v 1.9 2006/09/11 11:28:11 j_novak Exp $

LORENE is a free software under the GNU General Public License (see the
file COPYING in this directory).

LORENE is developed by different persons (see the file AUTHORS in this

Comments or questions should be addressed to 
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

The LORENE Web page is

Installing Lorene on your computer

See the file INSTALL in this directory.


Documentations about various aspects of LORENE, as well as CVS usage,
are in the directory Lorene/Doc.
In particular the HTML reference manual of LORENE can be read 
by browsing $HOME_LORENE/Doc/refguide/index.html 

where $HOME_LORENE stands for the path of directory Lorene (see file INSTALL). 
The LaTeX version of this manual can be produced as follows:
	gmake refguide.dvi


LORENE is compiled twice to provide two libraries:

  1/ Lorene/Lib/liblorene_g.a : non-optimized version of LORENE, with
	   extra checks (assert instructions) and debugging information 
	   (-g option) to allow for using a debugger

  2/ Lorene/Lib/liblorene.a : optimized version of LORENE for production runs,
	   with the assert instructions skipped out

Template Makefiles to employ LORENE are in the directory Lorene/Devel:

Makefile : link with the non-optimized version of LORENE

Makefile_O2: link with the optimized version of LORENE for production runs
Some main codes are in the directory Lorene/Codes. See the corresponding
README files. 

Contributing to LORENE

Template files for creating C++ source (template.C) and headers (template.h)
from scratch are provided in the directory Lorene/Devel. 

Instructions for the usage of CVS, in order to commit your changes to 
the LORENE repository in Meudon, are in the file Lorene/Doc/cvs_basics.txt. 

Upgrading your installation

As a research software, LORENE is in perpetual development.
You should therefore run from time to time the commands

	cvs update -d

to get the latest version of LORENE.
The script $HOME_LORENE/lorene_up contains the above commands, so
that it is equivalent to type
