Anyexam is an educational solution to improve the education system by making computer-based tests easy and friendly either for organization recruitment or school assessments.
To start the app $ flask --app api run
To generate an initial migration:
$ flask --app api db migrate The migration script needs to be reviewed and edited, as Alembic currently does not detect every change you make to your models. In particular, Alembic is currently unable to detect indexes. Once finalized, the migration script also needs to be added to version control.
Then you can apply the migration to the database:
$ flask --app api db upgrade
Then each time the database models change repeat the migrate
and upgrade
To sync the database in another system just refresh the migrations folder from source control and run the upgrade
This is the API documentaion of anyexam backend server. The base url is http://localhost:5000/api/v1
home GET / or /api or /api/v1
Authentication routes handle the authentication process of the api. Each user is expected to create an account using the signup endpoint and also be authorized using signin endpoint in order to access some of the premium features of the API.
POST /api/v1/auth/signin
Bearer Token
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "Password1"
auth.signup POST /api/v1/auth/signup
auth.reset_password PUT /api/v1/auth/reset-password/
auth.user_login POST /api/v1/auth/user-login
admin.update_admin PUT /api/v1/admins/
admin.view_all_admins GET /api/v1/admins/
admin.get_all_my_exams GET /api/v1/admins/myexams
admin.get_one_admin GET /api/v1/admins/<admin_id>
admin.delete_admin DELETE /api/v1/admins/<admin_id>
exam.exam_condition POST /api/v1/admins/exams/ exam.get_all_exam GET /api/v1/admins/exams/ exam.get_exam GET /api/v1/admins/exams/<exam_id> exam.update_exam PUT /api/v1/admins/exams/<exam_id>