This repository describes how to build an Alpine Linux image using a Packer, provision it using a Terraform and configure it using an Ansible on a free Compute Engine instance in the Google Cloud Platform.
Work environment: I prefer to have different working environments (virtual machines) for different tasks. Here I use CentOS 7 on remote server.
- Build image and upload to GCE
- Provision GCE instance
- Configure GCE instance
- Configure client devices
ssh -X -i ~/.path/id_rsa [USERNAME]@[EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS]
use flag -X to enabled X11 forwarding to connect to server by VNC on build stage (below)
Download precompiled Packer binary and unzip it
curl -O -L
sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin/
Go to IAM & Admin → Service accounts:
- Service account name: e.g., Deploy service account
- Service account ID: e.g., deploy-sa
- Roles assigned to account:
- Compute Engine → Compute Viewer # using in Ansible dynamic inventory
- Storage → Storage Object Creator # using in packer to upload .tar.gz image archive into
- Compute Engine → Compute Storage Admin # using in packer to create image in
Compute Engine
- Storage → Storage Object Admin # using in packer to delete .tar.gz image archive from
- Create key → JSON
Download JSON credentials into .secrets
/usr/local/bin/packer validate alpine.json
Install dependencies
sudo yum install -y qemu-system-x86
Generate SSH keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f .secrets/id_rsa -C [USERNAME]
chmod 400 .secrets/id_rsa
/usr/local/bin/packer build \
-var-file=packer.vars.json \
-var-file=terraform.tfvars.json \
or run in debug mode
env PACKER_LOG=1 /usr/local/bin/packer build \
-var-file=packer.vars.json \
-var-file=terraform.tfvars.json \
After build starts connect to remote server by VNC using 5901 port (optional)
Common variables for Packer and Terraform are stored in terraform.tfvars.json
Packer specific variables are stored in packer.vars.json
and in alpine.json
After each Packer launch, variable gcp_image
in terraform.tfvars.json
will be updated. Then this variable will be used in Terraform
When run locally on MacOS enable display and change hypervisor
"builders": [
"type": "qemu",
"vnc_bind_address": "",
"accelerator": "hvf"
When run remotly with enabled X11 forwarding ssh -X -i ...
enable display
"builders": [
"type": "qemu",
"vnc_bind_address": "",
"accelerator": "kvm",
When run remotly with disabled X11 forwarding ssh -i ...
disable display
"builders": [
"type": "qemu",
"headless": "true"
This dirty code between reboot
and login to system as root
"builders": [
"boot_command": [
"{{user `root_pass`}}<enter><wait15>",
is to avoid problem with long Starting busybox crond
service after reboot.
Will be fixed later.
Download binary and unzip it
curl -O -L
sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin/
curl | bash
Start a new shell for the changes to take effect
gcloud init --console-only
gcloud auth application-default login
Configure Check current configuration
gcloud config list
Setup project
gcloud config set project [GCP_PROJECT_ID]
Setup region
gcloud compute regions list
gcloud config set compute/region us-east1
gcloud config list compute/region
Setup zone
gcloud compute zones list
gcloud config set compute/zone us-east1-b
gcloud config list compute/zone
Initialize Terraform to download the latest version of the Google provider
terraform init
Validate the configuration syntax and show a preview of what will be created
terraform plan
Apply those changes
terraform apply
Check connection to remote server
ssh -i .secrets/id_rsa [USERNAME]@[EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS]
or using gcloud console
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-key-file=.secrets/id_rsa [USERNAME]@instance-1
- Code
variable "user_name" {}
variable "user_pubkey" {}
resource "google_compute_project_metadata" "default" {
metadata = {
"ssh-keys" = "${var.user_name}:${file("${var.user_pubkey}")}"
project = "${var.gcp_project}"
is not necessary when using Alpine Linux image. Because the public key of the user has already been added to the image.
But if you need to change the operating system, such as СentOS 7, these data need to be added to the Metadata.
- To upgrade Terraform from v0.11 up to v0.12 push code to repository (for safety) and execute commands
terraform init
terraform 0.12upgrade
Install Ansible
sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y ansible
Install requirements for GCP modules
sudo yum install python2-pip
sudo pip install requests google-auth
Create dynamic inventory config in inventory/inventory.gcp.yml
as in example below
plugin: gcp_compute
- us-east1-b
service_account_file: .secrets/[GCP_PROJECT_ID]-[SOME_ID].json
auth_kind: serviceaccount
- ''
- ''
- name
ansible_host: networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP
Create static inventory config in inventory/inventory.yml
as in example below
ansible_user: [USERNAME]
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: .secrets/id_rsa
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
Check connection to remote server
ansible instance-1 -m ping -u [USERNAME] --key-file .secrets/id_rsa
Check dynamic inventory
ansible-inventory -i inventory.gcp.yml --list
ansible-inventory -i inventory.gcp.yml --graph
ansible all -m ping
ansible instance-1 -m setup
Create password for Ansible Vault in .secrets/vault_pass
Create vault
ansible-vault create host_vars/instance-1/vault.yml
and add vars as in example
Create dh.pem
openssl dhparam -out roles/openvpn/files/dh.pem 4096
Run roles
ansible-playbook site.yml
Show iptables rules in all tables
sudo iptables -L -v
sudo iptables -t nat -L -v
sudo iptables -t mangle -L -v
Using any sftp-client (e.g., FileZilla) create folder structure certs/gcp
in Files and upload ca.crt
, router_01.crt
, router_01.key
Import certificates
/certificate import file-name=certs/gcp/ca.crt
/certificate import file-name=certs/gcp/router_01.crt
/certificate import file-name=certs/gcp/router_01.key
When a passphrase is requested, skip it (hit Enter
Rename imported certificates
/certificate set ca.crt_0 name=gcp_ca.crt_0
/certificate set router_01.crt_0 name=gcp_router_01.crt_0
Check certificates
/certificate print
Important! Certificate gcp_router_01.crt_0
must be with flag K
/interface ovpn-client
add certificate=gcp_router_01.crt_0 \
cipher=aes256 \
comment="openvpn interface to gcp instance" \
connect-to=[DOMAIN OR IP ADDRESS] \
disabled=no \
mode=ip \
name=ovpn-client-gcp \
port=1194 \
(Optional) configure DNS record on MikroTik if domain doesn't resolve
/ip dns static
add address=[IP-ADDRESS] name=[DOMAIN]
Check interface status and ensure that router received IP-address
/interface ovpn-client print
/ip address print
/ip firewall nat
add action=dst-nat \
chain=dstnat \
comment="allow http from vpn" \
dst-port=80 \
in-interface=ovpn-client-gcp \
protocol=tcp \
to-addresses=[IP-ADDRESS OF WEB SERVER] \
add action=dst-nat \
chain=dstnat \
comment="allow https from vpn" \
dst-port=443 \
in-interface=ovpn-client-gcp \
protocol=tcp \
to-addresses=[IP-ADDRESS OF WEB SERVER] \
add action=dst-nat \
chain=dstnat \
comment="allow rdp from vpn" \
dst-port=3389 \
in-interface=ovpn-client-gcp \
protocol=tcp \
add action=dst-nat \
chain=dstnat \
comment="allow smtp from vpn" \
dst-port=25 \
in-interface=ovpn-client-gcp \
protocol=tcp \
to-addresses=[IP-ADDRESS OF MAIL SERVER] \
add action=dst-nat \
chain=dstnat \
comment="allow imaps from vpn" \
dst-port=993 \
in-interface=ovpn-client-gcp \
protocol=tcp \
to-addresses=[IP-ADDRESS OF MAIL SERVER] \
add action=dst-nat \
chain=dstnat \
comment="allow smtps from vpn" \
dst-port=465 \
in-interface=ovpn-client-gcp \
protocol=tcp \
to-addresses=[IP-ADDRESS OF MAIL SERVER] \