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Setting up environment

Initialize submodules

git submodule sync
git submodule update --init

Build image

docker build --rm --file Dockerfile --tag ansible:2.10.15 .

Write secrets to encrypted file

Create Vault password file named .vault_password and add password into it

Create encrypted file

docker run --rm -ti \
    --volume=(pwd):/etc/ansible \
    ansible:2.10.15 \
        ansible-vault create host_vars/localhost/vault.yml

Edit encrypted file

docker run --rm -ti \
    --volume=(pwd):/etc/ansible \
    ansible:2.10.15 \
        ansible-vault edit host_vars/localhost/vault.yml
  1. Generate API token to access Hetzner

    • <Project_name> -> Security -> API TOKENS
    • Permissions: Read & Write
    • Write token to variable vault_hcloud_token
  2. Write domain to variable vault_domain, e.g.

  3. Write username and comment for technical account to variables:

    • vault_name
    • vault_comment
  4. Write custom SSH port to variable vault_ssh_port

  5. Write creadentials to access 1Password to variables:

    • vault_1password_device_id - can be found in ~/.op/config
    • vault_1password_master_password, e.g. 'S0me P@ssword'
    • vault_1password_subdomain, e.g. my
    • vault_1password_email_address
    • vault_1password_secret_key
    • vault_1password_vault_name - vault to write secrets (will be created if doesn't exist)
  6. Generate token to access GitHub

    • <GitHub_profile> -> Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens
    • Scopes: public_repo
    • Write username to variable vault_github_username
    • Write token to variable vault_github_password
  7. Generate API token to access Cloudflare

    • My Profile -> API Tokens -> API Tokens
    • Permissions:
      • Zone Zone Read
      • Zone DNS Edit
    • Zone Resources:
      • Include -> Specific zone -> domain from step 2, e.g.
    • Write token to variable vault_cloudflare_api_token
  8. Write e-mail address for Let's Encrypt to variable vault_letsencrypt_email

Launch installation

Run playbook to install kubernetes cluster

docker run --rm -t \
    --volume=(pwd):/etc/ansible \
    ansible:2.10.15 \
        ansible-playbook site.yml

Run playbook to delete all resources

docker run --rm -t \
    --volume=(pwd):/etc/ansible \
    ansible:2.10.15 \
        ansible-playbook site.yml --tags "destroy"


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