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Big Astronaut

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  1. stripe-ruby-mock stripe-ruby-mock Public

    Forked from probablykabari/stripe-ruby-mock

    A mocking library for testing stripe ruby


  2. active_model_serializers active_model_serializers Public

    Forked from mmosche2/active_model_serializers

    ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks


  3. rubyzoho rubyzoho Public

    Forked from amalc/rubyzoho

    Abstracting Zoho’s API into a set of Ruby classes, with reflection of Zoho’s fields using a more familiar ActiveRecord lifecycle, but without ActiveRecord. Works with Rails and Devise.



Showing 3 of 3 repositories
  • rubyzoho Public Forked from amalc/rubyzoho

    Abstracting Zoho’s API into a set of Ruby classes, with reflection of Zoho’s fields using a more familiar ActiveRecord lifecycle, but without ActiveRecord. Works with Rails and Devise.

    bigastronaut/rubyzoho’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 MIT 58 0 0 Updated May 23, 2014
  • active_model_serializers Public Forked from mmosche2/active_model_serializers

    ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks

    bigastronaut/active_model_serializers’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 MIT 1,405 0 0 Updated Mar 28, 2014
  • stripe-ruby-mock Public Forked from probablykabari/stripe-ruby-mock

    A mocking library for testing stripe ruby

    bigastronaut/stripe-ruby-mock’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 MIT 734 0 0 Updated Oct 18, 2013

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