这是一个高性能的 BitTorrent Tracker 服务预编译二进制文件包。为了方便使用,做成了开箱即用的二进制文件以及附带了相关配置文件。
This is a pre-compiled binary package of a high-performance BitTorrent Tracker server. For convenience, we provide ready-to-use binary files and configuration files.
从以下地址获取最新的二进制文件: Get the latest binary files from:
解压文件并赋予可执行权限: Extract files and grant executable permissions:
tar -xzf aquatic_0.9.0.tar.gz && rm aquatic_0.9.0.tar.gz
chmod +x aquatic/*
为了便于管理,各服务的默认监听端口如下: For easier management, the default listening ports are:
- HTTP Tracker: 3000
- UDP Tracker: 3001
- WebSocket Tracker: 3002
使用预配置的配置文件启动服务: Start services with pre-configured files:
./aquatic_http -c "aquatic-http-config.toml"
./aquatic_udp -c "aquatic-udp-config.toml"
./aquatic_ws -c "aquatic-ws-config.toml"
如果需要使用自定义配置,可以通过以下命令生成新的配置文件: If you need to use custom configuration, you can generate new configuration files using:
./aquatic_http -p > "aquatic-http-config.toml"
./aquatic_udp -p > "aquatic-udp-config.toml"
./aquatic_ws -p > "aquatic-ws-config.toml"
- 确保所有文件具有执行权限 / Ensure all files have execution permissions
- 确保配置文件路径正确 / Ensure configuration file paths are correct
- 确保端口未被占用 / Ensure ports are not in use by other applications
如果您计划运行完整的 Tracker 服务(不仅仅是 UDP 服务),请确保系统的内存锁定限制充足。您可以通过在 /etc/security/limits.conf
If you plan to run the complete Tracker service (not just the UDP service), make sure the system's memory lock limits are sufficient. You can do this by adding the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf
and then logging out and back in:
* hard memlock 65536
* soft memlock 65536
如果您使用 systemd 服务文件,请在服务文件中添加以下配置: If you're using a systemd service file, add the following configuration:
如果您需要更详细的介绍,可以访问以下链接: For more detailed information, please visit: