@bigcommerce/checkout-sdk / AdyenCreditCardComponentOptions
- brands
- data
- details
- enableStoreDetails
- groupTypes
- hasHolderName
- holderNameRequired
- placeholders
- showBrandsUnderCardNumber
- styles
• Optional
brands: string
Array of card brands that will be recognized by the component.
• Optional
data: AdyenPlaceholderData
Information to prefill fields.
• Optional
details: InputDetail
Set an object containing the details array for type: scheme from the /paymentMethods response.
• Optional
enableStoreDetails: boolean
Set to true to show the checkbox to save card details for the next payment.
• Optional
groupTypes: string
Defaults to ['mc','visa','amex']. Configure supported card types to facilitate brand recognition used in the Secured Fields onBrand callback. See list of available card types. If a shopper enters a card type not specified in the GroupTypes configuration, the onBrand callback will not be invoked.
• Optional
hasHolderName: boolean
Set to true to request the name of the card holder.
• Optional
holderNameRequired: boolean
Set to true to require the card holder name.
• Optional
placeholders: CreditCardPlaceHolder
| SepaPlaceHolder
Specify the sample values you want to appear for card detail input fields.
• Optional
showBrandsUnderCardNumber: boolean
• Optional
styles: StyleOptions
Set a style object to customize the input fields. See Styling Secured Fields for a list of supported properties.
▸ Optional
, component
): void
Called when the shopper enters data in the card input fields. Here you have the option to override your main Adyen Checkout configuration.
Name | Type |
state |
AdyenComponentEventState |
component |
AdyenComponent |
▸ Optional
, component
): void
Called in case of an invalid card number, invalid expiry date, or incomplete field. Called again when errors are cleared.
Name | Type |
state |
AdyenValidationState |
component |
AdyenComponent |
▸ Optional
, component
): void
Name | Type |
state |
AdyenValidationState |
component |
AdyenComponent |
▸ Optional
, component
): void
Called when the shopper selects the Pay button and payment details are valid.
Name | Type |
state |
AdyenComponentEventState |
component |
AdyenComponent |