dotfiles bare repo with environment setup scripts.
- curl
- git
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
All conflicting files would be moved to .local/state/dotfiles-backup folder.
To properly fork this repo change GIT_URI value in dotfiles-install file. Also change [user] fields in .gitconfig file.
Prefered shell is zsh, but for compatibility, environment variables and aliases separated to files:
- .zshrc - config.
- plugins.zsh - plugins.
- key-bindings.zsh - key bindings.
lf and fzf integrated.
Plugin manager - antidote.lite.
- romkatv/powerlevel10k - to customize prompt, run
p10k configure
- romkatv/zsh-defer
- zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
- zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
- zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting
- env - set PATH environment variable depend on OS. In ~/.profile:
[ -f "$HOME/.scripts/env" ] && . "$HOME/.scripts/env"
Common scripts, loaded by default.
- dotfiles-install - install dotfiles bare repo.
- ssh-copy-keys - copy private and public keys to remote host, also add them to ssh agent.
Usage: ssh-copy-keys KEY REMOTE
Example: ssh-copy-keys .ssh/id_ed25519 [email protected]
- boot-options - systemd-boot options manager.
Usage: boot-options <operation> [...]
systemd-boot options manager
boot-options set <option> [value]
boot-options del <option>
Arch Linux specific.
- repos-setup - setup all repos, paru and run rankmirrors-update.
- base-setup - setup base environment with some tweaks.
- desktop-setup - graphical environment.
- server-setup - server environment.
- full-setup - setup everything except server env.
Note: full-setup and base-setup would disable cpu mitigations, for reset to defaults:
boot-options del mitigations
- pkgs - package managers wrapper, noninteractive, support: pacman, paru, yay. Used in scripts.
usage: pkgs <operation> [...]
pkgs update
pkgs upgrade
pkgs install <package(s)>
- meta-install - install meta packages.
Usage: meta-install <package(s)>
Install meta packages.
all - all packages.
net - network packages.
dev - development packages.
cups - CUPS with foomatic drivers.
obs - OBS with some plugins.
- rankmirrors-update - rank all mirrors, process can take a while, some abroad servers can be faster in EU.
- paru-install - install AUR paru package manager.
- alhp-install - install ALHP repos. Archlinux-based repos build with different x86-64 feature levels, -O3 and LTO.
- chaotic-aur-install - install Chaotic-AUR repos. An automated building repo for AUR packages.