What's Changed
- [deps]: Update kotlin to v2 (major) by @renovate in #108
- [deps]: Update googleProtoBufJava to v4 (major) by @renovate in #118
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #107
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #67
- Escape and use correct apostrophe symbol by @SaintPatrck in #130
- [BWA-28] Sync translations with Crowdin by @SaintPatrck in #129
- Add Maven as supported Renovate manager by @withinfocus in #136
- Configure registry URL for SDK by @withinfocus in #135
- Remove Renovate SDK customizations by @withinfocus in #137
- Adjust Sonar scan paths by @withinfocus in #139
- [BWA-45] Update Androidx Lifecycle components to fix runtime crash by @SaintPatrck in #140
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #117
- [deps]: Update crowdin/github-action action to v2 by @renovate in #131
- [deps]: Update ubuntu to v22 by @renovate in #133
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #134
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #138
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #142
- Exclude tests from Sonar by @withinfocus in #147
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #149
- [BWA-28] Read Crowdin API token from secrets by @SaintPatrck in #152
- [BWA-47] Update gradle wrapper validation GH action by @SaintPatrck in #145
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #148
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #150
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #151
- [BWA-52] Disable MissingTranslation lint error by @SaintPatrck in #156
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #153
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #162
- [deps]: Update gradle/actions action to v4 - autoclosed by @renovate in #161
- [deps]: Update github/codeql-action action to v3.26.2 by @renovate in #159
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #160
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #158
- [BWA-53] Fix: Resolve issue with code copying in search results by @Elastic-Heart in #163
- [deps]: Update github/codeql-action action to v3.26.3 by @renovate in #164
- [deps]: Update sonarsource/sonarcloud-github-action action to v3 by @renovate in #165
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #166
- [deps]: Update github/codeql-action action to v3.26.4 by @renovate in #170
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #173
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #169
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #171
- [deps]: Update com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.2.0 by @renovate in #172
- [BWA-56] Add network module by @SaintPatrck in #174
- [BWA-57] Define feature flag disk source by @SaintPatrck in #175
- [BWA-58] Define feature flag repo by @SaintPatrck in #176
- [BWA-59] Define feature flag manager by @SaintPatrck in #177
- [BWA-60] Configure detekt scanning by @SaintPatrck in #178
- [BWA-61] Fix pre-existing detekt issues by @SaintPatrck in #179
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #180
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #182
- [deps]: Update org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.2 by @renovate in #181
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #184
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #183
- BITAU-158 Add PasswordManagerSync local feature flag by @ahaisting-livefront in #189
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #186
- [BWA-65] Sort items alphabetically with special char precedence by @SaintPatrck in #190
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #194
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #195
- [PM-12166] Update detekt by @SaintPatrck in #196
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #192
- [BWA-77] Setup codeowners by @vvolkgang in #198
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #197
- BITAU-66 Use fixed keystore for signing debug build by @ahaisting-livefront in #201
- [BWA-79] Sanitize manual entry code before validation by @SaintPatrck in #200
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #210
- [deps]: Update ubuntu to v24 by @renovate in #209
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #207
- [deps]: Update org.testng:testng to v7 by @renovate in #208
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #206
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #202
- BITAU-67 Add custom authenticator bridge permission to manifest by @ahaisting-livefront in #211
- Added locators for the settings page and the Add Code button by @vphan916 in #203
- remove unused getAuthCodeFlow() by @ahaisting-livefront in #215
- [deps]: Update compose to 2024.09.02 by @SaintPatrck in #212
- [deps]: Update androidxLifecycle to 2.8.6 by @SaintPatrck in #213
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #193
- [BWA-91] Add OmitFromCoverage annotation by @SaintPatrck in #217
- [BWA-90] Remove WorkManager for clipboard clearing by @SaintPatrck in #216
- BITAU-68 Specify build specific bridge permission in manifest by @ahaisting-livefront in #218
- [PM-13249] [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #224
- [PM-13250] [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #223
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #219
- [PM-13247] [deps]: Update androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.03 by @renovate in #221
- BITAU-83 Refactor AuthenticatorRepository to accomodate shared codes by @ahaisting-livefront in #220
- Update Android Gradle plugin and Gradle wrapper by @SaintPatrck in #225
- [BWA-10] Handle exception when checking for suspicious intents by @SaintPatrck in #228
- BITAU-70 Implement symmetric key storage by @ahaisting-livefront in #226
- Use correct feature for syncing with Bitwarden by @ahaisting-livefront in #230
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #222
- Fix empty state for totp codes by @ahaisting-livefront in #231
- Return noop bridge manager when password sync feature flag is off by @ahaisting-livefront in #232
- BITAU-76 Show download Bitwarden action card by @ahaisting-livefront in #229
- Update authenticatorbridge .aar after removing lastSyncTime by @ahaisting-livefront in #237
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #233
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #236
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #234
- Only run debug test variant on CI by @ahaisting-livefront in #242
- BITAU-68 Specify correct authenticatorbridge connection type by @ahaisting-livefront in #240
- BITAU-90 Add "Sync with Bitwarden App" row to settings by @ahaisting-livefront in #239
- Remove Firebase APK distribution by @ahaisting-livefront in #244
- BITAU-82 Show shared codes on the item listing screen by @ahaisting-livefront in #241
- Add closing paren by @ahaisting-livefront in #245
- Distribute Firebase builds to
group. by @ahaisting-livefront in #243 - Mark IntentManagerImpl as not covered by code coverage by @SaintPatrck in #249
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #247
- BITAU-78 Show SyncWithBitwarden action card by @ahaisting-livefront in #248
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #235
- QA Automation - Locators for Android by @vphan916 in #214
- Add queries to AndroidManifest by @ahaisting-livefront in #251
- BITAU-180 Show "Move to Bitwarden" long press action by @ahaisting-livefront in #250
- BITAU-181 Allow user to update default save options from settings by @ahaisting-livefront in #252
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #255
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #257
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #253
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #256
- [deps]: Update com.google.devtools.ksp to v2.0.21-1.0.26 by @renovate in #254
- Disable ExtraTranslation lint check by @SaintPatrck in #262
- BITAU-89 Show save location dialog on the QR scan screen by @ahaisting-livefront in #258
- BITAU-76 Update copy on download Bitwarden action card by @ahaisting-livefront in #260
- BITAU-189 BITAU-188 Only show default save option row when sync is en… by @ahaisting-livefront in #261
- BITAU-84 Show Snackbar the first time a user syncs accounts by @ahaisting-livefront in #259
- BITAU-184 Allow user to save to Bitwarden when adding a code manually by @ahaisting-livefront in #263
- BITAU-178 Show shared codes on the search screen by @ahaisting-livefront in #264
- BITAU-89 Have SettingsViewModel obsererve DefaultSaveOption by @ahaisting-livefront in #265
- BITAU-193 Make first time sync snackbar correct in dark theme by @ahaisting-livefront in #266
- Use authenticatorbridge version 1.0.0 by @ahaisting-livefront in #270
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #267
- BITAU-198 Update some copy on the manual entry screen by @ahaisting-livefront in #273
- BITAU-197 Update copy in all Save to Bitwarden scenarios by @ahaisting-livefront in #271
- BITAU-195 Allow issuer to be null for shared items by @ahaisting-livefront in #268
- BITAU-185 Show "Local codes" header on item list screen by @ahaisting-livefront in #269
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #278
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #279
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #281
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #280
- [BWA-86] Debug Menu #1 - network layer by @andrebispo5 in #272
- [BWA-86] Debug Menu #2 - config service by @andrebispo5 in #274
- [BWA-86] Debug Menu #3 - feature flag service by @andrebispo5 in #275
- [BWA-86] Debug Menu #4 by @andrebispo5 in #276
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #277
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #284
- [BWA-110] Retrofit ProGuard missing rule by @andrebispo5 in #291
- [deps]: Update codecov/codecov-action action to v5 by @renovate in #287
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #289
- [deps]: Update org.sonarqube to v6 by @renovate in #288
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #282
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #286
- [deps]: Update kotlin by @renovate in #285
- [BRE-471] Update to use app generated token by @pixman20 in #294
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @github-actions in #293
- BITAU-217 Update "Move to Bitwarden" copy to "Copy to Bitwarden" by @ahaisting-livefront in #283
- [deps]: Update gh minor by @renovate in #296
- [deps]: Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #298
- [deps]: Update gradle minor by @renovate in #295
- BWA-118 - Tutorial text cut off in landscape mode by @phil-livefront in #299
- Update CODEOWNERS by @SaintPatrck in #301
- BWA-124 - 'Copy' Option Missing from Long-Press Menu by @phil-livefront in #300
- Autosync Crowdin Translations by @bw-ghapp in #302
- [BWA-33]: Publish release bundles to Play Store when requested by @SaintPatrck in #303
New Contributors
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #153
- @Elastic-Heart made their first contribution in #163
- @ahaisting-livefront made their first contribution in #189
- @vvolkgang made their first contribution in #198
- @vphan916 made their first contribution in #203
- @andrebispo5 made their first contribution in #272
- @pixman20 made their first contribution in #294
- @phil-livefront made their first contribution in #299
- @bw-ghapp made their first contribution in #302
Full Changelog: v2024.6.2...v2024.12.0