Nethack-records is a script that lets users view statistics from a nethack logfile.
It features an on-demand statistics generator for Nethack and is meant to be run on a webserver. It has several types of statistics, ranging from character info to daily and weekly stats. It is implemented with a modern template system, and is very customizable.
Features include:
- Top 10 players view
- All players view
- Sort by various criteria e.g. Class and Cause of death
- Various ranking possibilities
- Last five players view
- Todays games
- View per game statistics
Future enhancements include:
- Support for a player database
- An applet for viewing recorded games
- A comment system
Current version is 0.5.1, 08.06.2007
Nethack-Records requires
- Perl 5 and CGI capable webserver.
- It also requires HTML::Template installed, but I have included it in the distribution, no further installation is required on that part. Put the script and all the templates in a cgi-enabled webfolder and it is good to go.
Oh, by the way, the scripts need access to
- the nethack-logfile
- and you have to make sure it can read it by editing the "options.cfg" in the script dir.
- If your webserver does not have access to the logfile directly you have to set up a cronjob or something to copy the file where the script can read it.
- Create an options.cfg. Example-file as options.cfg-default included.
If you need to move the options file to another place, edit index.cgi to reflect this. The webserver needs read-permissions to this file.
Often, the cgi-bin/ folder of Apache has very restrictive permissions. Therefore the webbrowser cannot access the css and image-files placed by default inside the script-directory.
To remedy this, move the img/ and css/ directories outside of cgi-bin and modify the variables "css_path" and "img_path" in options.cfg according to the URI path. Note that these files need to be in the webserver-directory as they are read by a webbrowser, and not the script.
Example: Script is in, which is at /var/www/ on the filesystem. The variable "uri" in options.cfg should then be
Move img/ and css/ to a directory, say /var/www/ Then, edit css_path and img_path to
css_path="/nhrec/css/"; img_path="/nhrec/img/";
Now the webserver will again find the files requested, and all is good.
Nethack-Records is distributed under the GPL (see LICENSE) is included with this code, read lib/HTML/GPL, lib/HTML/ARTISTIC and lib/HTML/README for more information about the template engine.
See CREDITS for more information about the contributors, and docs/Development-Plan.txt for what to expect in the future for Nethack-Records.
For updates, visit
Be seeing you...