- Technical channel - Discuss Polkadot implementations.
- General channel - Discuss general Polkadot topics.
- Polkadot Medium - Updates on the development and technology articles.
- Substrate intro - Description of the Substrate, one of the technologies underlying Polkadot.
- Polkadot White Paper - General Polkadot description.
- Polkadot Spec - Working yellow paper style Polkadot specification.
- Polkadot Wiki - Set of spec drafts.
- Parity Bridge - Bridge between any two ethereum-based networks.
- ParityDB - Fast and reliable database, optimised for read operations.
- Parity WASM - WebAssembly serialization/deserialization in Rust.
- WASM utils - Collection of WASM utilities used in Parity and WASM contract devepment.
- Rust libp2p - The Rust Implementation of libp2p networking stack.