Generates quotes for the format of ('s quote sections.
Requires Python 3.x.x
Get newest version of strings.pot and stringsDST.pot from the game files of Don't Starve and the game files of DST: scripts/languages/strings.pot (Two different "scripts" directories. Both files named stings.pot; DST file should be renamed stringsDST.pot).
Go to the wiki quotes page for the character you want to add to (e.x. Wigfrid).
Enter editting mode and switch from visual editing to source editing (I prefer the classic editor, seems to work better/load faster).
Copy all and paste into new file (keep page open for later).
Save as .txt file and name it after the character's DebugSpawn code (find on their wiki page) (e.x. wathgrithr.txt).
Run script in directory with txt file, strings.pot, and stingsDST.pot. Follow the script's instructions.
Script will generate a temp file and an export file. Open the export file and copy all.
Paste into wiki page and click the "show changes" button or "Review your changes" button and verify changes.
Publish it.