A front-end for The Star Wars API
Except it's not quite that anymore, I ended up rolling my own API which pulls data from SWAPI.
Clone the repo and install dependencies
Note: I've used some Font Awesome Pro icons so the
yarn/npm install will fail unless you provide a valid npm auth token for the private
npm.fontawesome.com registry. Either set an FA_NPM_TOKEN
environment variable to
your token, or replace ${FA_NPM_TOKEN}
in .npmrc with your token.
git clone https://github.com/bkbooth/star-wars-browser.git
cd star-wars-browser
Start the dev server
yarn start
To build a static version into the dist directory
yarn build
With the main repo cloned, navigate to the server directory and install dependencies
cd server
Start the server
# watches for changes and restarts server
yarn watch
# runs without watching/restarting
yarn start
Seed data into the SQLite database
yarn seed
By default the seed script will not make requests to https://swapi.co, it will load from locally cached JSON files. To load fresh data from https://swapi.co (and regenerate the cached JSON files)
rm data/*.json
yarn seed