This repository is the official implementation of the experiments from Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation, published in NeurIPS 2021. Read the preprint on arxiv. The underlying algorithm implementation is called swyft and we perform experiments with sbi and a forked version of sbibm.
The results data, explained below, are available at . These data are rather large and generally unnecessary for using the repsoitory. They represent the output of the TMNRE method on problems presented within the paper.
First, pull the submodules to use the repository.
git submodule init
git submodule update
Next, install the requirements using conda. Run the following command. Note, it assumes that you can install cudatoolkit=11.1
. If not, change the environment.yml
file accordingly. See pytorch's website.
conda env create --prefix .tmnre_env --file environment.yml
conda activate ./.tmnre_env
The above command will also install the tmnre
package from this repository.
There is a set of accompanying data (>27GB) including simulations, results, and more. You do not need the accompanying data to use most of the repository. The data is available on Zenodo. Each of the files were compressed using gzip. The manifest reads:
corresponds to the data generated when applyingtmnre
. It can be extracted toinference_sbibm/raw
corresponds to the metrics calculated from marginalizing the posterior samples of othersbi
algorithms insbibm
. It can be extracted tomarginalized_sbibm/raw
.- Finally,
contains simulations for the physics example. It must be extracted tophysics/TTTEEElm2500.zarr
for the physics notebook to function correctly.
Performing the marginalization of sbibm
requires the very large raw dataset from sbibm.
If you would like to install it so you can perform the marginalization, you must first install Git LFS then execute the following commands.
cd remote
git submodule add [email protected]:mackelab/benchmarking_sbi_runs.git
We use hydra to perform the marginalization and calculation of the c2st-ddm performance metric on the existing sbibm
posterior data. Assuming you installed the raw sbibm
dataset (see above), you can run the following command to calculate the c2st for every 1-dim and 2-dim marginal from the slcp task estimated by the nre algorithm with the following command:
python marginalize_sbibm/ raw_results_root=remote/benchmarking_sbi_runs/runs/ algorithm=nre task=slcp
If you were interested in several algorithms...
python marginalize_sbibm/ raw_results_root=remote/benchmarking_sbi_runs/runs/ algorithm=nre,npe,snre,snpe task=slcp -m
Note that the -m
flag is required for hydra's multirun. Calculating the c2st for every marginal, observation, algorithm, and task is expensive. It requires training over 100,000 classifiers. We would recommend consulting hydra's documentation to easily use slurm or another scheduler to accomplish the task with multirun.
Both of the above commands produce output according to hydra's default behavior.
Finally, once you've calculated the metrics of interest, we can summarize the results with another command:
python marginalize_sbibm/ ~/path/to/marginals marginal-sbibm-results.csv
We have provided a results file already calculated in marginalize_sbibm/marginal-c2st-summary.csv
. It was computed using the raw data from our marginalization runs. Those files are stored in marginalized_sbibm_raw.tar.gz
on Zenodo.
Training and evaluating tmnre
on a selection of sbibm
tasks can be done using three programs in the inference_sbibm
folder, namely
, and
. For training, preparation for plotting, and evaluation respectively.
implicitly calls
if you setup the hydra configuration correctly. There are many configuration options, we encourage the user to explore them by running python inference_sbibm/ -h
. The following is a simple example run which trains, then generates the performance metric information for every 1-dim and 2-dim marginal.
python inference_sbibm/ task=two_moons task.num_simulations=10_000 task.num_observation=2 hardware=cuda0 analysis=metrics_2d_marginals
Once you have done training and evaluation you can make a summary dataframe and a plot. First summarize the data using the following command.
python inference_sbibm/ ~path/to/data tmnre-sbibm-results.csv
We have provided two files already computed in inference_sbibm/reports/swyft_uniform_2d_results_budget.csv
and inference_sbibm/reports/swyft_non_uniform_2d_results_budget.csv
. They were computed using the raw data from our experimental runs. The corresponding raw data files are stored in inference_sbibm_raw.tar.gz
on Zenodo.
The jupyter notebook inference_sbibm/compare.ipynb
is designed to use the plotting functions built into sbibm
to create the plot that we reported in our paper. It requires three summary dataframes, marginalize_sbibm/marginal-c2st-summary.csv
, inference_sbibm/reports/swyft_uniform_2d_results_budget.csv
, and inference_sbibm/reports/swyft_non_uniform_2d_results_budget.csv
. They have already been provided for you and will be referenced if you simply run all the cells of the notebook.
The ground truth for this task was generated using rejection sampling. The task itself is defined within the sbibm
framework. The ten observations and corresponding ground truth posterior sample data is presented, along with the code to generate it, in remote/sbibm/torus
. All observations are generated with the same underlying parameter but different noise realizations. The first observation is generated without noise.
The torus task is defined within our custom version of sbibm
, a submodule in this package. Therefore, we can train on that task simply by calling a script which applies tmnre
to the problem. We also applied hydra to this experiment. You can specify the hardware to train on using options cpu
and cuda0
. Epsilon is input as the exponent of a power of 10. The default -6
implies epsilon=10 ** -6
python torus/epsilon/ hardware=cuda0 epsilon=-6
Once you have run the experiment multiple times, we create a summary dataframe like so:
python torus/epsilon/ ~/path/to/torus_sweep epsilon-results.csv
The training of these methods is implemented in a jupyter notebook gen-torus.ipynb
with diagnostic plots. When the SAVE
flag is turned on, the notebook trains and generates a number of data pickles. The ones reported in the paper are included within this repo.
The other sbi methods were trained using the script torus/metrics/
. The corresponding plots were generated using torus/metrics/sbi-plot-torus.ipynb
The ground truth for this task was generated using D
1-dimensional independent draws from a numerical inverse transform sampling method. The task itself is defined within the sbibm
framework. we only present a single observation as reported in the paper. The code to generate ground truth data of any dimensionality can be found in remote/sbibm/eggbox
along with 3, 5, 10, 25 dimensional ground truth posterior samples.
Training mnre
, nre
, and snre
are all implemented within a jupyter notebook, along with diagnostic plots, in eggbox/gen-eggbox.ipynb
. If the SAVE
flag is turned on, the notebook trains and generates data pickles which contain c2st results, reference posterior samples, and estimated posterior samples. The data pickles we reported are already included in this repo. Finally, msnre
is trained in another notebook eggbox/smnre-eggbox-few.ipynb
where it produces posterior samples in another pickle, also included. Finally, the reported plots are created in the eggbox/plot-eggbox.ipynb
The other sbi methods were trained using the script eggbox/
. The corresponding plots were generated using eggbox/metrics/sbi-plot-eggbox.ipynb
The details of the rotated eggbox are all within a folder called eggbox/rotated
The cosmology simulator uses the code CLASS, but we have saved the zarr simulation "datastore" so the simulator doesn't need to be called. This file can be found in TTTEEElm2500.zarr.tar.gz
on Zenodo. Processed data in the form of plots and notebooks are available within the physics
folder.) Simply set the LOAD
flag to True
and the notebook CMB_TTTEEE.ipynb
will run. The observation obs
is also shipped with the repository -- this is needed to define the stochastic part of the simulator. The plots are made using getdist.
A few posteriors from the torus problem. Ground truth, tmnre
, and mnre.
A comparison of mnre to tmnre
with several metrics.
Results of our hyperparameter scan.
A few posteriors from the eggbox problem. Ground truth, mnre, nre, and smnre.
The simulation and training is done in parallel. That means that even with a fixed seed, it is usually impossible to return exactly the same results. Data is therefore provided to reproduce our plots.
Please apply the isort and black formatters to any submitted code.