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BlaCk_Void edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 14 revisions

Table of Contents

More Info BVZSH Functions

BVZSH System

  • zsh-clean: Remove bytecode cleaner
  • zsh-help: help message
  • zsh-update: update config files, plugin, clean files
  • zsh-compile: BVZSH compile
  • font-update: update nerdfont
  • history-clear: zsh history clear
  • histoty-restore: history restore
  • zsh-uninstall: BVZSH uninstaller

Utility - [Can run without args]

  • ex FILE_NAME: extract files(FILE_NAME)
  • img FILE_NAME: show image(FILE_NAME) with terminal
  • ip-info [IP_NUM]: show IP(IP_NUM) information
  • numfiles [DIRECTORY]: show number of files
  • repeat NUM COMMAND: run the command repeatedly(NUM)
  • urlshort URL: make URL short
  • weather [LOCALE LANGUAGE(option)]: show weather
  • fzf utils
    • vg with line number -> vgl
    • tm -> ftm
    • install(homebrew cask) -> bcip
    • unstall(homebrew cask) -> bccp

Easy Input

Auto Pair

autopair Match parentheses, quotes, etc.


autofix If you can’t find the command, suggest a correction.
If the execution is not done properly, just typing fuck. It will suggest.

Display info

Alias Tip

aliastip Commands that can be abbreviated are indicated by a Alias tip.

Tab Completion

completion1 completion2 If you press ’<TAB>’ while typing command, it is recommended to divide by category.

History Substring Search

hss1 hss2

You can search history by pressing the up(↑) arrow key.

Integration with Fzf.


  • Ctrl+t: File, Directory select.(Multiple selecting use )
  • Ctrl+r: History select.
  • Alt+c: Directory select.
  • Command ** +<TAB>: Select after vi ** as input.
  • ssh, telnet, kill, unset, export..etc with integration.

Please refer to fzf for more information.

Other examples fzf1 fzf2 fzf3 fzf4


Very simple to use git.

  • c: commit
  • a: add
  • p: push
  • u: pull
  • r: remote
  • s: status

Git X Fzf

forgit glo screenshot.

  • ga: git add
  • glo: git log
  • gi: gitignore
  • gd: git diff
  • gcf: git checkout
  • gss: git stash
  • gclean: git clean

Moving Directory


  • bookmark [mark]:Bookmark to [mark].
  • jump [mark]:Move to [mark].
  • showmarks [mark]:Show [mark]’s directory.
  • deletemark [mark]:Delete [mark].
  • cd <dots>: Move to the upper directory by the number of .
  • j [keyword]: Move to [keyword] similar directory.

Terminal Utility


h Highlight multiple letters.

Internet Tools


  • prettyping: Show pretty ping.
  • ip-info: Show ip info.

URL Tools


  • urlencode: URL-encodes the given string
  • urldecode: URL-decodes the given string
  • urlshort: URL-shorten the given string

Terminal Image Viewer

img viewer test Show image like preview.
You can use with command img

Useage: img FILE_NAME TIME (TIME default 2s)

img Feature

  • Supported: Konsole, Xterm, Urxvt, Terminology, Yakuake,
  • Unsupported: Terminator, Hyper, Tilix, gnome terminal, Guake, LXterminal, Putty, Alacritty

for unsupported Terminals
use tiv or fim

for iTerm2
use imgcat

Other examples img viewer fox img viewer oil


weather It's's wrapper.

weather or weather LOCALE LANGUAGE(option)

Default Language: Your system’s language


map Useage: map