The sysmap tools suite consists of a set of tools that provide support for gathering static resource information from HPC systems. The tool suite is divided into two parts:
- The sysmap tool - A binaray tool which is deployed on your HPC Cluster to gather node local information about static resources.
- The smap tool - A python script which can be used to process the gathered output into a database, and query them.
The major platform for the sysmap tool-suite are x86-linux clusters other popular architectures in the field of HPC are also intended to be supported.
For development a linux system is suggested. Windows is not supported and support is not planned at all.
- C++14 compiler
- rapidjson - required (via submodule)
- Boost - required (filesystem, program_options and system)
- Catch - optional (via submodule, just for testing)
- Nitro - required for logging (via submodule)
- sqlite_modern_cpp - required for sqlite3 (via submodule) but deprecated
- hwloc - required
- Python 3
- doxygen - required for sysmap API-documentation
- click - requried (installed via
- python-arango - required (installed via
- graphviz - required (installed via
- sphinx - required for Documentation
- breathe - required for documentation (sphinx-doxygen bridge)
Make sure that you have all necessary dependcies installed. Dependencies with the via submodule
note above,
will be automatically cloned and installed via cmake during the build. All other e.g. doxygen or boost-libs must be installed.
cd sysmap
virtualenv --python=python3 env # create new virtualenv with pip and python3 highly recommended for development
. env/bin/activate # activate virtualenv
pip install -U sphinx breathe # install necessary dependencies
mkdir build/ ; cd build
cmake ..
make -j
The installation process is still work in progress, after build you will find the binaries under your build directory. For the Python parts do the following:
Attention: make sure your virtualenv is active!
cd sysmap/python
pip install -e .
Thats it, propably you need to export the environment variables:
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export LANG=C.UTF-8
sysmap -h
sysmap -l
sysmap -e extractor_name1 extractor_name2
sysmap -e extractor_name -f xml
Possible Formats: json (default), xml, yaml, sql
sysmap -e extractor_name -o filename
sysquery -h
sysquery -f path/to/db/file
This returns a JSON String containing all Hosts and their Datastrings of each extractor
sysquery -f path/to/db/file -n hostname
sysquery -f path/to/db/file -e disks
sysquery -f path/to/db/file -n hostname1 hostname2 hostname3 -e disks pcidevices
This returns the Datastrings of the given Extractors for the given Hosts
sysquery -f path/to/db/file -l
sysquery -f path/to/db/file -L
sysquery -f path/to/db/file -o path/to/file
This will write the output to the given file instead of stdout
The sysmap tool-suite is distributed under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.