The python3 version of the automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with various download clients.
Build-it yourself support files for the CMD HD-4000 reproduction drive
Verilog code to replace the Commodore SDMAC found in the A3000
Amiga 4000 CPU accelerator board based on A3660 and Z-turn FPGA board
Official GIT archive of 1541 ultimate II sources
Sidekick64: A Versatile Software-Defined Cartridge for the C64, C128, C16, plus/4, and VIC20
My version of a full mechanical keyboard replacement, including a mechanical shift lock
OctoFarm is an web server and client combination for unifying multiple instances of Octoprint. You can manage and monitor as many instances as you want from a single interface giving you full contr…
This project implements a circuit board which plugs into a big-box Amiga Video Slot (A2000, A3000, A4000) and uses a Raspberry Pi Zero to process the Amiga display video in realtime and provide HDM…
A further in SMT developed Version of the C128toSCART_THT project
A set of scripts to automate installation of Amiga OS, Kickstart roms and packages to new or existing Amiga HDF files
Hardware design of Magic Desk and Ocean compatible cartridge for the Commodore 64
A case for the SukkoPera's openC64cart (8k and 16k)
This is a software for analyzing the Commodore C64 SID. Every parameter for every voice can be set separately. The base address of the SID can be selected from a list or entered manually.
Thsi is a 3D printed illuminated (Commodore) 64 Logo
A HAT for the Raspberry Pi, that allows to emulate the Commodore C64 floppy disk drive 1541. Switches and IEC-Bus detachable.
This is, what you need for your hobby retro computer projects: a Commodore logo, which is illuminated with two LEDs!
A rebuild of the Epyx Fast Load cartridge for the Commodore C64
A replacement PSU for the Commodore C64, which works with 230V/115V
A PSU for the Commodore C64 and up to two 1541-II floppy disk drives
This is a replacement PSU (230VAC input) for the Commodore C64.
Cart64out is a breakout board for the Commodore C64 Expansion Port
A harness for the Diagnostic Rev. 586220 Test for the Commodore C64
This is a joystick for Commodore C64 etc.
This Kernal prevents the killer CBM80 signature, that some games leave in memory from hooking up the C64 for a while
This is an extension for the Ultimate 64 (elite) keyboard connector to get it into a position, that can be reached easily with the standard length keyboard cable.