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Justin Huang edited this page Sep 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

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MERN Suggestions App

A Blockchain@PSU Workshop


This project assumes that you know the following:

  • Basic programming experience in another language

Other than that, we expect nothing; however, this will be remarkably easier if you've learned JavaScript before, and know how to use Git and the terminal.


In this wiki, we'll cover the core concepts of full stack development and what that buzzword even means. We'll walk through a tutorial full stack project where you'll create a suggestions web app where users can create and read suggestions for improvement through web fields and more.

To that end, we'll be utilizing the MERN stack: MongoDB for storing the suggestions, Express for routing between the creation page and reading page, React to make elements dynamic and stateful, and NodeJS to handle backend requests.

If those words didn't make sense to you, don't worry! We'll cover that in the wiki itself. Go to the next page to get started!


If you see any glaring errors, such as typos or conceptual mishaps, feel free to open an issue or make a pull request. If you'd like to join our team at Blockchain@PSU, fill out this form.

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