Api server for the sextant frontend app.
It manages Kubernetes clusters and the installation of sawtooth onto them.
To manage state - we have abstracted a store
interface that can be backed by
your choice of persistent storage.
The taekion-tp and taekion-rest-api images live on Docker Hub. In order to pull down these images and create a TFS deployment you will need to be added to the btpTeam group on Taekion's dockerHub.
Prior to creating a TFS deployment you will need to create a namespace for the deployment. In that namespace you will need to create a secret that holds your dockerHub credentials.
kubectl create namespace <namespace>
kubectl create secret docker-registry <secret name>
--docker-username=<dockerHub username> --docker-password=<dockerHub password>
--docker-email=<email> -n <namespace>
When creating a TFS deployment in Sextant, be sure to use the same namespace you just created and to add the secret you created as an image pull secret in the form.