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Local development setup for the sextant cluster management app

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This repository supports sextant development which includes:



You should also activate a local install of Kubernetes.

Using the version of docker you have installed, verify it is activated.

Clone the following repos under the same root folder:

PLEASE NOTE: If you are running this under WSL with Docker-Win the folder needs to be addressable from windows under the same basic name, and the drive needs to be shared to Docker-Win

For example:

mkdir sextant-project
cd sextant-project
git clone [email protected]:catenasys/sextant-dev.git
git clone [email protected]:catenasys/sextant.git
git clone [email protected]:catenasys/sextant-api.git


Running the project for development

  1. Set up your AWS credentials
  2. Build artifacts and prep docker containers for execution
  3. Start up API and sextant frontend

1. Set up your AWS credentials

You will need to create a credentials.env file inside the sextant-dev.

  • Replace XXX with your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  • Replace YYY with your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
echo -e "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX\nAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YYY" > credentials.env

These credentials will be used by the API container when connecting to AWS in instances where you need to connect to a BTP AWS kubernetes instance.

2. Build executable artifacts

From within the sextant-dev folder:

  • Open a shell terminal
  • Set the environment variable export MANUALRUN=1
  • Run the command make dev
export MANUALRUN=1; make dev

3. Start up API and sextant frontend

All Sextant artifacts run from within docker containers.

To start and stop sextant, you will need to manipulate the running containers accordingly.

Docker operations

To ensure that you find these execution sequences appropriate for your needs, consult docker's documentation.

The following command will simply stop all docker containers:

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

The following is a sequence of commands that will remove all containers and images and delete any sextant related postgres data:

NOTE: This is a highly destructive action.

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
docker volume rm sextant-dev_postgres-data

Starting API:

  • Open a shell terminal.
  • Run the command env to double check that MANUALRUN=1
  • If not, run this command export MANUALRUN=1
  • Access the sextant-api container by running make api.cli
  • If you're starting a totally clean slate, run npm run preserve
  • If you are just re-starting stopped containers skip this step.
  • Activate the API code.

Assuming a completely clean state, execute the following sequence of commands:

make api.cli
npm run preserve
node src/index.js

Running the command npm run preserve populates the postgres db with the appropriate schema.

Alternatively, if you have already executed the above sequence previously, all you need to do is to run this sequence:

make api.cli
node src/index.js

Starting frontend:

  • Open a new shell terminal (a separate from the one you use to start the API).
  • Run the command env to double check that MANUALRUN=1
  • If not, run this command export MANUALRUN=1
  • Open a shell terminal (again, different from the one running the API)
  • Run the following command sequence in the terminal
make frontend.cli
npm run develop


Choose an Edition Module

By default, sextant builds in 'Dev-Mode'. If you'd like to build other editions, you'll need to edit the volume being copied in docker-compose.yml Instead of dev.js, copy the edition you want to build.

  - ../sextant-api/src:/app/api/src
  - ../sextant-api/test:/app/api/test
  - ../sextant-api/migrations:/app/api/migrations
  - ../sextant-api/editions/dev.js:/app/api/src/edition.js


Support for NodeJS GRPC smoke testing

Please refer to instruction ./daml-node-grpc-smoke/


Boot a Kubernetes cluster locally

It can be useful to have a Kubernetes cluster running locally on your laptop to test against.

To do this, we will use kind.

install kind

Boot the stack as normal (so you have sextant and sextant-api up and running).

Create a new kind cluster:

kind create cluster

This will have created a container called kind-control-plane

It will also have adjusted your kubeconfig to point at the local cluster.

kubectl get ns

You might have done some work in the meantime involving connecting to a different cluster. If you want to re-point your kubeconfig at the local cluster:

kind export kubeconfig

Before we can use this cluster with sextant - we need to connect the api container to the kind-control-plane.

docker network connect sextant-dev_default kind-control-plane

We can then test this:

make api.cli
apt-get install telnet
telnet kind-control-plane 6443

You can launch sextant, and create a cluster.

Run the script to create the service account and download the credentials.

You must change the API server URL to https://kind-control-plane:6443.


Local development setup for the sextant cluster management app






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