DHT mirror for better read/write performance
The DHT mirror accepts writes (and returns the call immediately) and then does the actual write to the DHT in the background. Similarly, for read calls (and this is more important for reads) the calls return from the mirror instead of hitting the DHT. Keeping the mirror consistent with the DHT is actually much easier than normal circumstances because all writes are announced on the blockchain in our system. The mirror can simply watch the blockchain for updates and keep the mirror in sync with the DHT (not implemented yet).
WARNING: This repo is under active development.
To start the mirror server:
twistd -noy mirror/server.tac
On a fresh Debian / Ubuntu server:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev mongodb
git clone https://github.com/blockstack/dht-mirror.git
cd dht-mirror
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt