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This package is a .Net 8 library for creating, solving and exporting word searches in json iPuz format.

Words are be placed at random horizontally, vertically or diagonally both forwards and backwards. The wordsearch can be any size, and the words to be found can be of any length.

Snaking Word Search puzzles where the words can change direction are not supported directly however could easily be added.

Getting started

The WordSearch builder allows adding words to the WordSearch grid, upon calling Build it fills the spaces with random letters.

var builder = new WordSearchBuilder(10, 10)
    .WithWords("Apple", "Orange", "Grape")

To render the results you can loop over the grid.

for(var row = 0; row < puzzleDef.Dimensions.Height; row++)
    for(var col = 0; col < puzzleDef.Dimensions.Width; col++)

The puzzle definition also includes the solution. Items that could not be placed are not included in the solution.

foreach(var word in puzzleDef.Solution)
    Console.WriteLine($"{word.Word} ({word.Direction} from {word.StartCell.Col}, {word.StartCell.Row})");


This package requires the only .net 8.0 and does not use any other dependencies.


Difficulty level

By default difficulty level it is set to Medium mode. The difficulty level can be set in the through the method SetDifficulty(Difficulty.Easy).

The are 3 levels:

  1. Difficulty.Easy - This places words left to right and top to bottom with a few diagrams.
  2. Difficulty.Medium - Sets an equal amount of left to right, top to bottom and diagonal words with a few reversed.
  3. Difficulty.Hard - Gives an equal waiting to all directions of words.

This sets the group of word placers that are randomly picked from when placing words. You can set your own to override this using the SetWordPlacers method.

Solving a word search

We can use the library to solve a puzzle. This can be used to remove unwanted words or to check if a word is in the puzzle.

var puzzleDef = new WordSearchBuilder(10, 10)
            .WithWords("word1", "word2", "word3")

var solver = new StandardWordSearchSolver();
var result = solver.SeekWord(puzzleDef.Puzzle, "word");

Excluding Bad Words

The default space filler will populate the grid with random letters weighted by usage. This can result in words being created that are could be offensive or not desired. To prevent this you can use the clean space filler. This takes a list of words that you do not want to appear in the puzzle.

var puzzleDef = new WordSearchBuilder(10, 10)
    .WithWords("word1", "word2", "word3")
    .WithSpaceFiller(new CleanEnglishSpaceFiller(new List<string> { "badword1", "badword2" }))

A list of list of dirty, naughty, obscene and otherwise bad words you may want to exclude could be found here.

Saving and Loading a word search

You can save and load a word search by serializing the Puzzle Definition. To ensure it is formatted correctly for the iPuz format converters are provided.

The easiest way to save and load the puzzle is to use the repository class. At the moment there is only a local file repository however this can easily be extended.

var repo = new LocalFileRepository();
await repo.SavePuzzleAsync(puzzleDefinition, @"c:\files\puzzle.ipuz");
puzzleDefinition = await repo.LoadPuzzleAsync(@"c:\files\puzzle.ipuz");

Further samples can be found in the samples folder of this repository.

Additional documentation

Future Plans

This code is based on .Net 8 rather than .Net Standard 2.0 as it was part of a larger personal project before making in to a shareable library. This means that it will not work on .Net Framework or older version of Core. I would be open to adding support for .Net Standard 2.0 in the future.

Currently it only supports English character sets although has been built with others in mind. I would like to add support for other languages in the future and would welcome contributions.


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