Crypt protect and crypt unprotect are two function created by windows to encrypt and decrypt data, once data is encrypted it must be decrypted on the same device. (or very special cirumstances)
This program takes the string of your choice and creates a DATA_BLOB variable for it and assigns it the string value and its size for later decrypting, then we create another DATA_BLOB variable to store the decrypted data, CryptProtect's magic is done and the data is output to the second DATA_BLOB.pbData variable along with its size to .cbData.
Now for decrypting, it will take a DATA_BLOB and the CryptUnprotect function will crerate a DATA_BLOB variable for decrypted variable like before, this time the decrypted value will be outputted to the created DATA_BLOB.
There are also points at which the program will print the blobs info.