This project is a standalone disk logger for OpenBCI EEG data. It does not depend on the OpenBCI GUI or Hub components; instead it talks directly to the wifi board via REST and UDP. Also included is a python module for working with the on-disk format, a tool for plotting logged data, and a tool for converting logged data to csv.
In its current form, it assumes a 16-channel Cyton+Daisy+Wifi configuration, and attempts to sample at 2kHz. In the future, these parameters could become configurable.
The timestamp stored in the on-disk format is the lower 32 bits of the UTC system epoch time in ms. This timestamp rolls over every 49.7 days; if this ambiguity is a problem, additional date/time info will have to be stored externally. In my use case, I find putting the date in the log filename is sufficient.
This utility depends on numpy, scipy, and matplotlib. Under Ubuntu, these can be installed with:
sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib