Written in SystemVerilog these are some of the modules I've found most useful in HDL/FPGA projects that use the AXI-Stream and AXI4Lite interfaces.
The AXI modules has been designed for easy integration and use with standard AXI buses or similar. Thus the behavior of the valid/ready bus conforms to standard AXI usage. Namely:
- Both valid & ready must be asserted for a successful transfer
- ready must only be deasserted directly after a successful transfer
- valid must only be deasserted directly after a successful transfer
- valid being asserted must not depend on ready also being asserted
- data and similar signals must be stable while valid is asserted
Assertions are used to model the behavior of the modules for use in formal verification. To preform the verification proof the open source software SymbiYosys and the configuration files can be found in the sby directory.
sby -f <module name>.sby
Testbenchs are being written for the SystemVerilog modules by leveraging the VPW and pytest frameworks and can be found in the dut directory.
To run a single test, use the following command.
pytest -v axi4lite_reg.py
To run a single test within a testbench.
pytest -v axi4lite_reg.py -k test_simple_write_and_read
And to run a every test within the current directory.
pytest -v *.py
If you want to generate a waveform to view for debug purposes you must edit the following line within a testbench.
vpw.init(design, trace=False)
vpw.init(design, trace=True)
And then when you run a single test within that testbench, a waveform will be created in the current directory.