####If you have npm
npm install overload
Files are in lib directory
##Watchable(onGet,onSet,onForeach,onQuery,onDelete) Callback's can use the this object in order to act normally without reinvoking themselves.
- Value onGet(ArgInfo) - property
Returns the value at a specific index
- Value onSet(ArgInfo) - property, value
Returns the value to save at a specific index
- Array onForeach(ArgInfo)
Returns an array containing all the index keys for this object
- Boolean onQuery(ArgInfo) - property
Returns whether the object has a specific index
- Boolean onDelete(ArgInfo) - property
Returns whether the object was successful in deleting a specific index
- ArgInfo Values - holder thisObject property? value?
Set obj's prototype to proto
##OnCollect(Object,collector) Calls the collector when the Object is about to be Garbage Collected
- undefined collector(theObject)
##new EphemeronTable() Creates an ephemeron table that only keeps its keys until that key is garbage collected
- Value get(Object)
- Value set(Object,Value)
- Boolean has(Object)
- Object[] keys()
Partial implementation of ES Harmony Proxy API.
Implementation of ES Harmony WeakMap API.
Implementation of ES Harmony WeakPointer API.
Prevent an object from being modified w/ a setter. Methods on this object may still modify the object.
- mask - list of properties to intercept properties (useful to replace methods you dont want to modify the object)
- ReadOnly.ArrayMask - prevents Array Object from being modified by methods
- ReadOnly.DateMask - prevent Date Object from being modified by methods
####Code var Watchable = require( "../lib/overload" ).Watchable , proxied={ hello : "" } , debug = Watchable( function getter( ArgInfo ){ //check the type of the object contained by value //undefined if no value, or number if using []'s with a number var property = ArgInfo.property assert.equal( property, "hello", "GETTER PROPERTY NAME" ) console.log( "GET:" + JSON.stringify( property ) ) console.log( "VALUE:" + String(proxied[ property ] ) ) return proxied[ property ]; } , function setter( ArgInfo ) { var property = ArgInfo.property assert.equal( property, " world!", "SETTER PROPERTY NAME" ) var value = ArgInfo.value assert.equal( value, true, "SETTER PROPERTY VALUE" ) console.log( "GET:"+JSON.stringify( property ) ) console.log( "VALUE:"+String( proxied[ property ] ) ) console.log( "NEW VALUE:" + String( value ) ) return ArgInfo.value; } ) debug.hello debug[" world!"]=true
SET:" world!"
- Debugging - Show what is being accessed / set
- False natives - refuse to allow properties to be set / got beyond a specified few
- Dynamic programming - Fib[3] could compute Fib[1] and Fib[2]
- Index based getters / setters - Fib[0] cannot have a getter set normally because it is a number not string based index (all non-number non-undefined values become string based).
- Making Watchables follow the instanceof operator
- Making extensions of Objects follow the instanceof operator
- Making arrays that cant be messed with
- EphemeronTable is too generous in allocating memory for it's hash table.