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LOBSTER Demo Example

A lobster config file (by default lobster.conf) declares the tracing policy. The syntax is fairly simple and best explained by example.


  • A lobster config file lobster.conf In lobster.conf file declaration might look like this:
requirements "Requirements"{
 source: "trlc.lobster";


  • Source:
    The source attribute assigns trlc.lobster, python.lobster file.

  • trace to: The trace to attribute declares the trace to: "Requirements"; This declares that the items in this level are expected to be linked to items from report.

implementation "code" {
  source: "python.lobster";
  trace to: "Requirements";


The core feature is an item level, and there are three kinds:

  • requirements (for things like trlc, codebeamer, systemweaver, doors, ...)
  • implementation (for things like code or models)
  • activity (for things like tests, proofs, argumentation, ...)
requirements "Requirements"{
 source: "trlc.lobster";

implementation "code" {
  source: "python.lobster";
  trace to: "Requirements";

Tracing .html File Generation

In order to generate the tracing.html file we need to execute below scripts in sequential order

    1. In our vanilla example we used trlc requirement, python implementation, cpp implementation and codebeamer. For that we need to generate .lobster file. For example: trlc.lobster, python.lobser, cpp.lobster, codebeamer.lobser
  • trlc lobster-trlc . --config-file="lobster-trlc.conf" --out="trlc.lobster" This is the link for lobster-tool-trlc - Our lobster repository package - lobster-tool-trlc

  1. Annotations for trlc - lobster-trace is present inside the function body.
  1. Annotations for python - lobster-trace is present inside the function body.
  1. Annotations for cpp - lobster-trace is present inside the function body.
  1. Annotations for codebeamer - lobster-trace is present outside the function body.
    1. After generating the .lobster file next step is to generate the report.lobster file, which has all the information about the requirement, implementation, activity.

lobster-report --lobster-config="lobster.config" --out="report.lobster"

    1. Once the report.lobster is generated then next step is to generate the tracing.html file and any user can easily read that file and can find the traces in the file.

lobster-html-report report.lobster --out="tracing.html"

Clang-tidy File Generation

  • To generate the clang-tidy file, make sure that your apt is working well on wsl/Linux env.

  • Clone this repository -

  • Below 2 dependencies required for clang-tidy creation.

    1. sudo apt install cmake
    2. sudo apt install ninja-build
  • Below 2 commands need to execute to generate the build folder.

    1. cmake -S llvm -B build -G Ninja -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;clang-tools-extra' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    2. cmake --build build
  • Once you generate the build folder you can see the clang-tidy file in ./build/bin folder.

  • To generate the cpp.lobster file, you need to make sure that your llvm-project and lobster-demo project should be in same directory.