This is static blog website generated with Hexo using Artemis theme.
🌎 Check the website
$ npm install
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ cd themes/artemis && npm run build # rebuild theme with different params
$ npm run serve # check website locally
$ cd themes/artemis && npm run watch # for developing and changing styles
$ firebase emulators:start # preview site locally with firebase
$ npx hexo new [layout] <title> # check `scaffolds` directory for available layouts
$ hexo new post "Test post"
$ hexo new draft "New draft"
$ hexo publish post "New draft"
$ firebase init # first time only
$ firebase init hosting:github # setup automated deployment via Github Actions
$ hexo clean # just to make sure old/removed pages are cleaned up
$ hexo generate
$ firebase deploy --only hosting
or simply
$ hexo deploy
$ hexo deploy -g # to generate site before deployment
- Insert image

- Refer to another article
[Link title](slug-for-the-article)