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A toy example of OCTAV algorithm for finding the optimal clipping scalar in the quantization error problem

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A toy example of OCTAV algorithm for finding the optimal clipping scalar in the quantization error problem.

Here, I'm trying to reproduce paper's (Optimal Clipping and Magnitude-aware Differentiation for Improved Quantization-aware Training [arxiv]) Figure 1 (a) with 4-bit case.

First of all, the fake quantization operator is defined as:

$$Q(x;s) = \text{clip}(s\cdot2^{1-B}\cdot\text{round}(x\cdot2^{B-1}/s), -s, s)$$

We define $B$-bit quantization as the process of mapping $x$ to one of $2^B$ predefined levels. $s$ is the clipping scalar and we assume zero_point is $0$ in our case, i.e. symmetric quantization.

Empirical Quantization Error

So the empirical qerror is defined as:


The main codes:

def cal_qerror(w, qstepsize, zero, bit_num):
    quant_min, quant_max = -(2 ** (bit_num - 1)), 2 ** (bit_num - 1) - 1
    w_q = torch.fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine(torch.as_tensor(w), qstepsize, zero, quant_min, quant_max).numpy()
    return w - w_q

def do_empirical_qerror_scanning(w, qstepsize, zero, bit_num=4, scalar_num=200, plot_ratio=7.0):
    # `qstepsize` stands for quantization step size
    qerrors = []
    clipping_scalars = np.linspace(1e-2, qstepsize * plot_ratio, scalar_num)
    # for loop for each clipping scalar
    for cs in clipping_scalars:
        qerror = cal_qerror(w, 2 * cs / 2**bit_num, zero, bit_num)

    return qerrors, clipping_scalars

Theoretical Quantization Error

The theoretical qerror in the paper:

$$J_{th}(s)={4^{-B}\over3}s^2\int_0^s f_{|X|}(x)dx + \int_s^\infty (s-x)^2f_{|X|}(x)dx$$

We can use np.histogram to numerically calculate the equation, the main codes:

def theoretical_mse_qerror(w, clipping_scalar, bit_num, bins=500):
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.abs(w), bins=bins, density=False)
    hist = hist / np.sum(hist)  # turn into probability mass (note that it is different with density)

    clip_start_idx = np.where(np.diff(bin_edges > clipping_scalar))[0]
    clip_start_idx = 0 if len(clip_start_idx) == 0 else clip_start_idx[0]

    J1 = np.sum(hist[:clip_start_idx]) * (clipping_scalar**2 / (3 * 4**bit_num))
    J2 = 0.0
    for idx in range(clip_start_idx, len(hist)):
        prob_x_mass = hist[idx]
        x = (bin_edges[idx + 1] + bin_edges[idx]) / 2
        J2 += (clipping_scalar - x) ** 2 * prob_x_mass

    return J1 + J2

Finding Optimal Clipping Scalar

By Newton's method, the authors derived the update equation:

$$s_{n+1}=\frac{\mathbb{E}\left[|X|\cdot\mathbf{1}_{\{|X|>s_n\}}\right]} {{4^{-B}\over3}\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{1}_{\{|X|\leq s_n\}}\right] + \mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{1}_{\{|X|>s_n\}}\right]}$$

The main codes:

def find_opt_by_Newton_method(weights, bit_num, cs_init=0.0, iter_num=10):
    # `cs` stands for `clipping scalar`
    weights_abs = np.abs(weights)
    cs_cur = cs_init
    for itr in range(iter_num):
        indicator_larger = weights_abs > cs_cur
        indicator_smaller = weights_abs <= cs_cur  # should we ignore case with `==0`?
        numerator = np.sum(weights_abs[indicator_larger])
        denominator = np.sum(indicator_smaller) / (3 * 4**bit_num) + np.sum(indicator_larger)
        cs_cur = numerator / denominator
    return cs_cur

How to run

Very simple, just execute the following command:



We analyzed Resnet50 layer #17 and #45

  • Weight histogram Weight histogram

  • Quantization error histogram QError histogram

  • MSE of quantization error with empirical, theoretical erros and optimal clipping scalar MSE qerror

Looks good! 👏 Integrating OCTAV's Newton's update into torch's observer seems possible!


A toy example of OCTAV algorithm for finding the optimal clipping scalar in the quantization error problem







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