Skeleton (blueprint) for any type of projects.
- Dockerized PHP (with Xdebug configured), MariaDB, Nginx
- Symfony 5 with authentication mechanism
- Registration, Login, Forget Password mechanisms
- Email templates and send function
- Landing pages (incl. login-registration forms) uses Twig with Less support and Skeleton Css
- Admin panel uses React 17 with TypeScript and Core UI
- API endpoints
Copy .env.dist to .env in parent folder and change variables, if you need to change Docker-services parameters.
Copy .env to .env.local and change varibales in order to config Symfony variables.
Better to run all commands inside containers
make init
# or manually:
cd src
composer install
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
yarn install
yarn encore dev
make run
# or manually:
docker-compose up -d
Run frontend auto-build on every change:
make watch
# or manually
yarn encore dev --watch