Opens web browser and searches hightlighted VSCode document text in the Unreal Engine docs, answers, or forums.
Firefox, Chrome, MSEdge, default browser
openType: extension (default browser)
Chromium Browser, Firefox(see Known issues), Chrome, Opera, default browser
openType: extension (Chromium Browser)
Use the openType: xdg-open to use your default browser (see Known issues)
Safari, Firefox, Chrome, default browser
openType: extension (default browser)
- Unreal Engine project
- Supported Web browser
- Download the VSIX file from Releases on this GitHub (note: file version may differ)
- Click VSCode's Extensions icon
- Click the elipse (3 dots) in upper right of left panel
- Choose Install from VSIX...
- Choose the VSIX file you downloaded
- Highlight text
- Right click, on the selection, for context menu (note: menu won't appear unless text is highlighted)
- Choose any search option
- It should open a search in your default browser
- Max search length is 50 characters (larger searches will be reduced)
- The Open Type can be set in User settings:
Firefox will crash if not already open. Please use another browser if you experience this. Tested using Firefox version (87.0+build3-0ubuntu0.20.04.2)
This could be my system but if the browser, you're using, hadn't ever been opened it was slow to load. Every time after was fine.
- Fix extension startup bug
- Added openType setting which allows you to select a specific web browser to use
- linux: changed default openType to chromium-browser (because of Firefox crash)
- Initial beta release
Remember that the openType setting will allow you to use your default browser.
For Windows/Mac use openType: extension
For Linux use openType: xdg-open
I'm not using the VSCode API to open web browsers because of the known double encoding URL issue in the VSCode API. It affected this extension.