We describe the outcome of a data challenge to detect signals of new physics at the LHC using unsupervised machine learning algorithms conducted as part of the
Dark Machines initiative.
We first define and describe a large benchmark dataset, consisting of
Results for the Dark Machines Unsupervised Learning Challenge.
The notebooks
directory contains jupyter notebooks for creating the figures in the paper for the results of the over 1000 models submitted for the challenge.
The individual results can be found in the data
├── data/
│ ├── AE.csv
│ ├── ALAD.csv
│ ├── CNN_BVAE.csv
│ ├── CNN_VAE.csv
│ ├── Combined.csv
│ ├── ConvVAE_and_Flows.csv
│ ├── DAGMM.csv
│ ├── DarkMachinesUnsupervisedChallenge_TotalImprovements.csv
│ ├── DeepSetVAE.csv
│ ├── DeepSVDD.csv
│ ├── Flow.csv
│ ├── KDE.csv
│ ├── MethodsInLatentSpaceOfVAE.csv
│ ├── Metric_Scores.csv
│ ├── ModelsToSecretResults.csv
│ └── VAE.csv
├── figures/ <- Figures from the paper
│ └── indivdual_signals/ <- Not included in the paper, contains best results for each BSM signal
├── notebooks/
│ ├── 01-ExampleBoxAndWhiskerPlot.ipynb
│ ├── 02-AnalysisAcrossPhysicsSignals_FigureOfMerit.ipynb
│ ├── 03-AnalysisOfTopMethodsForFiguresOfMerit.ipynb
│ ├── 04-SignificanceImprovement.ipynb
│ ├── 05-CompareWithSecretSetResults.ipynb
│ └── README.md
└── README.md
We encourage the development of new models using the Dark Machines datasets.
The easiest way to compare new models will be to add a CSV file to the data
directory using the same formatting.
Then, rerun the notebooks and append the new file to the list being analyzed.
Please use the following bibtex citations if you use the data or notebooks from this study.
- The article:
author = "Aarrestad, T. and others",
title = "{The Dark Machines Anomaly Score Challenge: Benchmark Data and Model Independent Event Classification for the Large Hadron Collider}",
eprint = "2105.14027",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-ph",
month = "5",
year = "2021"
- The code:
author = {Bryan Ostdiek},
title = {{bostdiek/DarkMachines-UnsupervisedChallenge:
month = jun,
year = 2021,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {0.2-alpha},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4897467},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4897467}