To use this package, please create an application from this package bowphp/app
- Full-featured database classes with support for several platforms.
- Query Builder Database Support
- Form and Data Validation
- Security and XSS Filtering
- Data Encryption
- Session Management
- Controller Revolver
- Middleware Support
- Small and Robust Routing
- File Uploading Class
- Pagination
- CQRS helpful implementation
- File System Management with many drivers like S3 and FTP (Support connection switch)
- Extensible with an external package that can plug in
- Application logs Management
- Database Connection (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL)
- Simplest ORM which is named Barry
- Cache support (Filesystem, Redis, Database caching)
- Event Management (Interpage Event)
- Emailing (SMTP, SES, Native PHP mail supports)
- Task runner (Which helps you to generate the controller and match more)
- Unit Testing Support
- View Rendering with bowphp/tintin package (Tintin is the very small php template)
- Very easy Translate Management
- Many helpers
- The native authentication system
- Producer/Consumer with beanstalkd, database, Redis, SQS backend
The project is organized into the following directories, each representing an independent module:
- src/: Source code for the Bow Framework.
- Application/: Main application logic and configuration.
- Auth/: Authentication and authorization management.
- Cache/: Caching mechanisms.
- Configuration/: Configuration settings management.
- Console/: Console commands and utilities.
- Container/: Dependency injection and service container.
- Contracts/: Interfaces and contracts for various components.
- Database/: Database connections and ORM.
- Event/: Event management and dispatching.
- Http/: HTTP requests and responses management.
- Mail/: Email sending and configuration.
- Messaging/: Messaging and notifications.
- Middleware/: Middleware classes for request handling.
- Queue/: Job queues and background processing.
- Router/: HTTP request routing.
- Security/: Security features like encryption and hashing.
- Session/: User session management.
- Storage/: File storage and retrieval.
- Support/: Utility classes and helper functions.
- Testing/: Unit testing classes and utilities.
- Translate/: Translation and localization.
- Validation/: Data validation.
- View/: View rendering and templating.
- tests/: Unit tests for the project.
Thank you for considering contributing to Bow Framework! The contribution guide is in the framework documentation.
We welcome contributions from the community! To contribute to the project, please follow these steps:
- Fork the project and clone it to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and commit them.
- Push your changes to your fork and create a pull request.
For more detailed information, refer to the
Please, if there is a bug on the project contact me by email or leave me a message on Slack. or join us on Slask