- Description
- Features
- Program Arguments
- Getting Started
- Supported Types
- How to Utilize this service.
- Service Discovery
- Metrics Accumulator Clients
The metric accumulator will accumulate additively time-series metrics for ephemeral jobs such as.
- GCP CloudRun
- GCP Functions
- AWS Lambdas
- Kubernetes Jobs
- Cron Jobs running somewhere
This is an alternative to Prometheus Pushgateway for when you need persistent data on "subsequent" metric pushes.
- Aggregates metrics
- Has TTL for metrics
- Hot reload configurations
Argument | Description | Example | Required |
--config-file | path to the configuration file | /metrics-accumulator.jar --config-file=/path/to/configs.yml | yes |
Api Endpoint | Method | Required Headers | Description |
/reset-metric-group/{metricGroup} | PUT | N/A | Erases the metric group metrics out of memory. |
/reload-configuration | PUT | N/A | Reloads configuration that were passed in via --config-file. The File source will be reread from storage. All Metrics will be erased |
/update/{metricGroup} | POST | X-API-KEY | Updates metric group metrics. |
/service-discovery | GET | N/A | A service discovery mechanism for prometheus Please see documentation https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/http_sd/ |
/metrics/{metricGroup} | GET | N/A | Returns the metrics for a metrics group. |
/current-configurations | GET | N/A | Displays the current loaded configurations |
/swagger-ui/index.html#/ | GET | N/A | Swagger Endpoint |
Start docker container
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
Build the project
mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
Start The Application
java -jar target/app.jar --config-file ./metrics-accumulator.yml
Navigate to http://localhost:8080
Pushing Data
run the following command twice
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8080/update/default' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: 0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5' \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
-d '# TYPE test_total counter
# HELP test_total
test_total {span_id="321",trace_id="123"} 5.0'
Then get the metric data
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8080/metrics/default' \
-H 'accept: text/plain'
You should receive this
# TYPE test_total counter
test_total{span_id="321",trace_id="123"} 10.0
You'll notice that test_total
has a value of 10
You can run this example at the swagger endpoint http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/
Counters will be combined additively
Gauges are a special case. When a new gauge value comes then the last guage value to be added will be preserved. To change this behavior you can set the label _metrics_accumulator_latest
with the value of a number such as the epoch time. Subsequent pushes on the same gauge will compare the vlaue of _metrics_accumulator_latest
and largest number will be persisted.
is not displayed when scraping.
In the metric-groups.yml file add your metric group
For example
restartCronExpression: "0 0 0 ? * *"
hostAddress: localhost:8080
displayMetrics: true
name: default
maxTimeSeries: 2500
apiKey: 0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5
restartCronExpression: "0 0 0 ? * *"
env: qa
version: v31
displayMetrics: true
name: metric-group
maxTimeSeries: 100
apiKey: 0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5
restartCronExpression: "0 0 0 ? * *"
env: test
version: v45
Attributes | Description |
restartCronExpression | Used to set when your metrics are wiped from memory. This is useful getting rid of stale data. Ideally your data should be wiped at least once a week or more. |
hostAddress | This is the address of the metrics accumulator used for service discovery. For example, you might set up in DNS an A record pointing to the ip address of the instance running this service such as metrics-accumulator.internal.com . |
Attributes | Description |
displayMetrics | Determines if prometheus should read your metrics or not. |
name | The name of the endpoint you'll push your metrics to. For example if the name was super-app then the endpoint you'd need to POST your prometheus metrics is: http://prometheus-metrics-accumulator.internal.q6cyber.com/update/super-app |
maxTimeSeries | The maximum number of timeseries you can have in memory for your service. To deal with stale time series we have the restartCronExpression your metrics from history. |
apiKey | The apikey must be passed in the header X-API-KEY when you POST your metrics. This helps to prevent an accidental POST to another metric Group or another environment such as prod/dev/qa. |
restartCronExpression | Used to set when your metrics are wiped from memory. This is useful getting rid of stale data. Ideally your data should be wiped at least once a week or more. |
serviceDiscoveryLabels | Additional labels to be added when scraping the serviceDiscovery endpoint. This is useful during the relabeling |
There's an example of service discovery via docker compose. In the root directory of the project.
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
docker compose up --build --force-recreate
Then navigate to http://localhost:9090/targets?search= and make sure your applicationis being scraped. Follow the example Getting Started/pushing data to see metrics being consumed
The endpoint /service-discovery
returns a json structure that prometheus uses for service discovery
"targets": [ "<hostAddress>"],
"labels": {
"__meta_metrics_path": "metrics/<metricGroup>"
In the Prometheus config you'll need to setup a scrape config for service discovery
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any time-series scraped from this config.
- job_name: "metrics-accumulator"
scrape_interval: 5s
- source_labels: ["__meta_metrics_path"]
target_label: "__metrics_path__"
- url: "http://localhost:8080/service-discovery"
Prometheus will query the service discovery endpoint http://localhost:8080/service-discovery
and relabel will replace the metrics path with /metrics/<metricGroup>
. A target is created for every metric as defined in your configuration file
There's full client support
There is a java example of a client found here
python -m pip install metrics-accumulator-client
from Client import Client
from prometheus_client import Counter,Gauge, CollectorRegistry, metrics
metrics.disable_created_metrics() #*****Important****** If you don't set this then metrics accumulator will Amber Heard the bed
registry = CollectorRegistry()
c = Counter("hello_total", "dock", labelnames=['application'], registry=registry)
g = Gauge("man", "dock", labelnames=['application'], registry=registry)
client = Client("http://localhost:8080", "0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5")
client.update_metrics("default", registry)
npm install metrics-accumulator-client
import {Registry, Counter} from "prom-client"
const registry = new Registry()
new Counter({
name : "counter_example_total",
help: "help",
registers: [registry]
let client = new Client("http://localhost:8080", "0d98f65f-074b-4d56-b834-576e15a3bfa5")
client.updateMetrics('default', registry).then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.getMetricGroup('default').then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.reloadConfigurations().then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.resetMetricGroup("default").then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.serviceDiscovery().then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))
client.currentConfigurations().then(res=> console.log(res.statusCode + " " + res.content))