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An application for tracking board game plays and displaying past results in various statistics (win rates, streakes, best player for game, etc).


  1. Build the docker images docker-compose build
  2. Create a local docker volume for the database using docker volume create --name data -d local. This will allow the database data to persist across docker runs.
  3. Boot the app using docker-compose up
  4. With the app running from (3), create the database with docker-compose run web bundle exec rake db:create, then run any pending database migrations with docker-compose run web bundle exec rake db:migrate.

Run Tests

  1. Boot the app using the steps in bulid/install
  2. Open another command prompt and run docker-compose run web rails test


  1. Boot the app using the steps in bulid/install
  2. Break the code anywhere by adding the statement byebug using the debugger of the same name.
  3. Determine the running container's id by running docker ps. This will show an id like 063170216bb5 for the web container.
  4. Open another command prompt and attach to the above container using docker attach <container id>.
  5. Interact with the app to get to the point being debugged and the above command prompt will break execution.

Query Database

The database is managed via a dedicated Postgresql docker container, with the data stored locally in a docker volume. Run these steps to get a psql prompt. Note The steps are for connecting to the development environment.:

  1. Determine the running docker id for the database container using docker ps. This will show an id like 063170216bb5.
  2. Create a bash prompt to the database container via docker exec -it <container id> bash
  3. Open a psql prompt using psql -U postgres.
  4. Connect to the dev databes using \c myapp_development.
  5. Run any query you want, such as select * from games;.


Simple application for tracking board game outcomes







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