GitLabForm is a specialized "configuration as a code" tool for GitLab projects, groups and more using hierarchical configuration written in YAML.
- What you get? - Features (with Comparison to similar apps and Limitations)
- Basic usage - Requirements, Installation, Quick start
- Advanced usage - Full configuration syntax, More cli usage examples, Running in an automated pipeline
- Join us! - Contributing, History, License
GitLabForm enables you to manage:
- Group settings,
- Project settings,
- Archive/unarchive project,
- Project members (users and groups) {add/change access level, NO removal yet},
- Group members (users) {add/remove user, change access level},
- Deployment keys,
- Secret variables (on project and group/subgroup level),
- Branches (protect/unprotect),
- Tags (protect/unprotect),
- Services,
- (Project) Hooks,
- (Project) Push Rules (GitLab EE only),
- (Add/edit or delete) Files, with templating based on Jinja2 (now supports custom variables!),
- Merge Requests approvals settings and approvers (GitLab EE only),
- all projects in your GitLab instance/that you have access to,
- a group/subgroup of projects,
- a single project,
...and a combination of them.
GitLabForm uses hierarchical configuration with inheritance, merging/overwriting and addivity. GitLabForm is also using passing the parameters as-is to GitLab APIs with PUT/POST requests.
GitLabForm has roughly the same purpose as GitLab provider for Terraform (which is a tool that we love and which has inspired us to write this app), but it has a different set of features and uses a different configuration format.
Please read more about GitLab provider for Terraform vs GitLabForm. This article includes a link to the feature matrix / comparison sheet between these two tools.
To configure your GitLab instance itself (appearance, application settings, features, license) please check out the GitLab Configuration as Code (GCasC) project!
Some of the app features are limited because of the GitLab API issues. Here is the list of them. Please check the links to the GitLab issue(s) in their comments and please upvote them if they are affecting you. Note that these issues/bugs affect all the apps using GitLab API, not just GitLabForm.
- Python 3.5+ or Docker
- GitLab 11+, GitLab EE for Merge Requests & Push Rules management
A. Pip: pip3 install gitlabform
B. Docker: run GitLabForm in a Docker container with this oneliner:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/config egnyte/gitlabform:latest gitlabform
Instead of "latest" you can also use a specific version and choose from Alpine and Debian-based images.
See the GitLabForm's DockerHub page for a list of available tags.
Let's assume that you want to add a deployment key to all projects in a group "My Group" (with path "my-group"). If so then:
- Create example
# You can also set in your environment GITLAB_URL
# You can also set in your environment GITLAB_TOKEN
token: "<private token of an admin user>"
api_version: 4
ssl_verify: true
a_friendly_deploy_key_name: # this name is only used in GitLabForm config
key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC3WiHAsm2UTz2dU1vKFYUGfHI1p5fIv84BbtV/9jAKvZhVHDqMa07PgVtkttjvDC8bA1kezhOBKcO0KNzVoDp0ENq7WLxFyLFMQ9USf8LmOY70uV/l8Gpcn1ZT7zRBdEzUUgF/PjZukqVtuHqf9TCO8Ekvjag9XRfVNadKs25rbL60oqpIpEUqAbmQ4j6GFcfBBBPuVlKfidI6O039dAnDUsmeafwCOhEvQmF+N5Diauw3Mk+9TMKNlOWM+pO2DKxX9LLLWGVA9Dqr6dWY0eHjWKUmk2B1h1HYW+aUyoWX2TGsVX9DlNY7CKiQGsL5MRH9IXKMQ8cfMweKoEcwSSXJ
title: ssh_key_name_that_is_shown_in_gitlab
can_push: false
gitlabform my-group
Watch GitLabForm add this deploy key to all projects in "My Group" group in your GitLab!
See config.yml in this repo as a well documented example of all the features, including configuring all projects in all groups, projects in "my-group" group and specifically project "my-group/my-project1".
To apply settings for a single project, run:
gitlabform my-group/my-project1
To apply settings for a group of projects, run:
gitlabform my-group
To apply settings for all groups of projects and projects explicitly defined in the config, run:
gitlabform ALL_DEFINED
To apply settings for all projects, run:
gitlabform ALL
gitlabform -h see the current set of supported command line parameters.
You can use GitLabForm as a part of your CCA (Continuous Configuration Automation) pipeline.
For example, you can run it:
- with a schedule on
projects to unify your GitLab configuration, after it may have drifted from the configuration (we recommend running it each night), - from a webhook after a new project is created in GitLab to initialize it with a shared config.
An example for running GitLabForm using GitLab CI is provided in the .gitlab-ci.example.yml file.
Note that as a standard best practice you should not put your GitLab access token in your config.yml
(unless it is
encrypted) for security reasons - please set it in the GITLAB_TOKEN
environment variable instead.
For GitLab CI a secure place to set it would be a Secret/Protected Variable in the project configuration.
Please see the contribution guide for info about all kinds of contributions, like:
- questions, feature requests,
- documentation and code contributions,
- other.
Contribution guide is also the place to look for info how to develop the app locally, build it, run the tests and learn about the code guidelines.
For detailed info about how the app code has been organized, where is what and where and how to fix bugs and/or add new features, please see the implementation design article.
This tool has been originally created as a workaround for missing GitLab features such as assigning deploy keys per project groups but as of now we prefer to use it ever if there are appropriate web UI features, such as secret variables per project groups (released in GitLab 9.4) to keep the configuration as code.
Later on we added features that allowed us to use GitLabForm to improve a group containing around 100 similar projects
to move to a unified development flow (by managing branches protection and the Pull Requests configuration),
basic tests and deployment process (by managing secret variables, deployment keys and files, such as .gitlab-ci.yml
integrations (such as JIRA or Slack) and more.