ROS driver for Kangaroo X2 motor driver board
Takes a clean copy of the Kangaroo Arduino library provided by Dimension Engineering, and provides a reimplementation of Arduino.h in order to connect to the X2 through a linux serial port instead of Arduino serial.
The intention is to use this to control the X2 from a Raspberry Pi through an FTDI USB-serial driver.
Kangaroo X2 Arduino library:
rosrun kangaroo_x2_driver SpeedControlExample
(this will run motor 1 back and forward)
roslaunch kangaroo_x2_driver independent_speed_control.launch
The controllers listen for speed commands of type std_msgs/Float64 on topics:
roslaunch kangaroo_x2_driver diff_drive_control.launch
The differential-drive controller will listen for twist velocity commands published to topic /diff_drive_controller/cmd_vel
Ensure the kangaroo board is configured for independent mode (dip-switch 4 is ON) and digital input (dip-switch 1 is ON). Also ensure the board has been tuned with these settings.