A way to solicit your friends opinions on a decision
- Product Owner: Brian Ronaghan
- Scrum Master: Oliver Huang
- Development Team Members: Michael Cheung, Hitesh Lala
- Create and account
- Add friends from user base
- Create a poll - and see what your friends think!
- Node 0.10.x
- bcrypt-nodejs 0.0.3
- body-parser 1.15.0
- express 4.13.4
- express-session 1.13.0
- grunt 0.4.5
- jwt-simple 0.4.1
- mysql 2.10.2
- sequelize 3.19.3
- angular 1.5.0
- angular-route 1.5.0
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
Authentication was implemented using JWT and bcrypt-nodejs. We use a username-password method for authentication, which allows users to pick a username and password during sign up. The passwords are then hashed via bcrypt and stored on our servers. To remember that a user is logged in, the server sends JWT tokens to the client, which stores them in their browsers local storage. We also store the usernames and id of users in local storage.
Server was implemented using Node and Express. The API is described below:
- / GET
Serves static page index.html
- /signin POST
Request Body: { name: string, password: password }
Searches User table if not found redirects to signin. If found compares passwords if incorrect redirects signin if correct it returns token.
Controller: controller.auth.signin
- /signup POST
Request Body: { name: string, email: string, password: string }
Creates a user in the Users table (cryptifies password) then creates token and returns token and userId to client, ensures no duplicate username.
Controller: controller.auth.signup
- /users GET
Returns an array with object for each user in database.
Controller: controller.users.get
- /polls/:userId GET
Request Params: { userId: number }
Returns an array of objects of polls that user is assosciated with.
Controller: controller.polls.get
- /polls POST
Request Body: { name: event-name, creator: string, creatorId: number, answer: array-of-strings}
Adds a poll to Polls table and adds an entry in UserPoll table for user and each user friend.
Controller: controller.polls.post
- /polls PUT
Request Body: { userId: number, pollId: number, choice: number }
Increments count for a particular choice of a particular poll in the Poll table.
Controller: controller.polls.put
- /polls/:pollId DELETE
Request Params: { pollId: number }
Deletes entry in Poll table with pollId and deletes all occurrances of pollId in UserPoll table.
Controller: controller.polls.delete
- /onePoll/:pollId GET
Request Params: { pollId: number }
Queries database and returns a poll object containing poll with pollId.
Controller: controller.polls.getOne
- /friends/:userId GET
Request Params: { userId: number }
Returns an array of Ids of all the users friends.
Controller: controller.friends.get
- /friends POST
Request Body: { friendId: number, userId: number }
Adds userid and user2id to Relationships table. Returns a copy of entry.
Controller: controller.friends.post
Using Mysql database with Sequelize. There are four tables in the database their names and schema follow:
- Users
- id - a number unique
- name - a string
- email - a string
- password - a hashed string
- Polls
- id - a number unique
- name - a string
- creator - a string
- creatorId - a number
- choice0 - a string
- choice0Count - a number
- choice1 - a string
- choice1Count - a number
- choice2 - a string
- choice2Count - a number
- choice3 - a string
- choice3Count - a number
- createdAt - a date time
- Relationships
- UserId - a number
- FriendId - a number
- UserPoll
- PollId - a number
- UserId - a number
Front end was built using Angular. The Angular routes are shown below:
URL | Controller | Template | Authenticate |
/ | HomeController | homeView.html | TRUE |
/signin | AuthController | signin.html | FALSE |
/signup | AuthController | signup.html | FALSE |
/polls | PollController | pollView.html | TRUE |
/create | CreatePollController | createPollView.html | TRUE |
/friends | FriendsController | friendsView.html | TRUE |
/landing | (none) | landingView.html | FALSE |
NOTE: when authentication fails, we redirect to landing |
View the current project issues
- Ability to view and create anonymous polls from landing page without creating an account
- Prevent users from voting multiple times on a poll
- Use sockets to allow real time updates of pollView
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.