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A Brigade 2 compatible gateway for events originating from Docker Hub


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Brigade Docker Hub Gateway

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This Brigade Docker Hub Gateway receives events (webhooks) from Docker Hub and emits them into Brigade's event bus.

Creating Webhooks

After installation, browse to any of your Docker Hub repositories for which you'd like to send webhooks to this gateway. From the tabs across the top of the page, select Webhooks.

  • In the Webhook name field, add a meaningful name for the webhook.

  • In the Webhook URL field, use a value of the form https://<DNS hostname or publicIP>/events?access_token=<url-encoded token>.

  • Click Create

⚠️  Docker Hub doesn't provide any reasonable mechanism for authenticating to the endpoints to which events (webhooks) are sent. Due to this, the only viable approach to authentication is to include a token (a shared secret) in the webhook URL as depicted above. Users are cautioned that even with TLS, this is not entirely secure because web servers, reverse proxies, and other infrastructure are apt to capture entire URLs, including query parameters, in their access logs. If your threat model suggests this is an intolerable degree of risk, then do not use this gateway and, more generally, do not use Docker Hub webhooks.


Now subscribe any number of Brigade projects to events emitted by this gateway -- all of which have a value of in their source field. You can subscribe to all event types emitted by the gateway, or just specific ones.

In the example project definition below, we subscribe to push events, provided they've originated from the fictitious example-org/example repository (see the repo qualifier). You should adjust this value to match a repository for which you are sending webhooks to your new gateway (see installation instructions).

kind: Project
  id: dockerhub-demo
description: A project that demonstrates integration with Docker Hub
  - source:
    - push
      repo: example-org/example
      brigade.js: |-
        const { events } = require("@brigadecore/brigadier");

        events.on("", "push", () => {
          console.log("Someone pushed an image to the example-org/example repository!");


Assuming this file were named project.yaml, you can create the project like so:

$ brig project create --file project.yaml

Pushing an image to the corresponding repo should now send a webhook from Docker Hub to your gateway. The gateway, in turn, will emit the event into Brigade's event bus. Brigade should initialize a worker (containerized event handler) for every project that has subscribed to the event, and the worker should execute the brigade.js script that was embedded in the example project definition.

List the events for the dockerhub-demo project to confirm this:

$ brig event list --project dockerhub-demo

Full coverage of brig commands is beyond the scope of this documentation, but at this point, additional brig commands can be applied to monitor the event's status and view logs produced in the course of handling the event.

Events Received and Emitted by this Gateway

Docker Hub only supports one type of event (webhook) and that is the push event.


The Brigade project accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. The Contributing document outlines the process to help get your contribution accepted.

Support & Feedback

We have a slack channel! Kubernetes/#brigade Feel free to join for any support questions or feedback, we are happy to help. To report an issue or to request a feature open an issue here

Code of Conduct

Participation in the Brigade project is governed by the CNCF Code of Conduct.