Temp Messages is a web application built with Ruby on Rails 7 and Turbo, dedicated to creating and sharing temporary messages to which an expiration date or a visit limit can be assigned.
Ruby 3.2.2: Use rbenv
to install and manage the Ruby version:
rbenv install 3.2.2
Install Homebrew if you don't have it yet:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
PostgreSQL: If you're on a Mac with Apple Silicon, install PostgreSQL by following these steps:
brew install postgresql
Start PostgreSQL:
brew services start postgresql
Verify that PostgreSQL is running:
psql postgres
This Project uses the rbnacl gem, which a Ruby wrapper for the libsodium library. Libsodium is a popular cryptographic library that provides a wide range of cryptographic primitives. You can install Libsodium using homebrew:
brew install libsodium
Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone [email protected]:bro-garden/privy.git
cd privy
Install the dependencies:
bundle install
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
Ask for Rails credentials keys.
Database Create the database and load the schema:
bundle exec rails db:create
bundle exec rails db:schema:load
The project is configured with RSpec to run tests. It also uses Shoulda Matchers to facilitate unit testing.
To run the test suite, use one of the following commands:
Run all tests:
bundle exec rspec
Run the test watcher to automatically run unit tests when changes are detected:
bundle exec guard
To start the application in your local environment, follow these steps:
Start the Rails development server:
rails s
Start jobs:
rake jobs:work
to run the web version and/or make changes on it: In a separate terminal tab, run the TailwindCSS watcher for real-time style compilation:
rails tailwindcss:watch
to try Discord integration you need to connect Discord, you can follow Integrations