The Translational Genomics Group (TGG) Viewer is a free, open-source web app for visualizing splice junctions, expression, and other sequencing data genome-wide using IGV.js
- Supports these file formats: .bigWig, .junctions.bed.gz, .vcf, .bam, .cram.
- Includes reference tracks from GTEx v8 muscle, blood, and fibroblast samples.
- Lets you display data files or reference tracks from any Google bucket to which you have read-access.
- Retrieves just the on-screen sections of the files directly from Google buckets.
- Allows gene or locus lists to be added to side bars for quick navigation across a list of regions.
"genome": "hg38", // "hg19" or "hg38"
"locus": "chr15:92,835,700-93,031,800", // initial IGV.js locus
"bamOptions": { // IGV.js bam track options
"trackHeight": 200,
"viewAsPairs": false,
"showSoftClips": true,
"alignmentShading": "strand"
"sjOptions": { // IGV.js splice junctions track options
"trackHeight": 170,
"colorBy": "strand",
"colorByNumReadsThreshold": 5,
"thicknessBasedOn": "numUniqueReads",
"bounceHeightBasedOn": "random",
"labelWith": "uniqueReadCount",
"showOnlyPlusStrand": false,
"showOnlyMinusStrand": false,
"hideAnnotated": false,
"hideUnannotated": false,
"minUniquelyMappedReads": 0,
"minTotalReads": 1,
"maxFractionMultiMappedReads": 1,
"minSplicedAlignmentOverhang": 0
"vcfOptions": { // IGV.js vcf track options
"displayMode": "EXPANDED"
"selectedRowNamesByCategoryName": {
0: [],
1: []
"rowsInCategories": [
"categoryName": "Reference Data",
"rows": [
"name": "row1",
"data": [
{ "url": "gs://../file.bam", "type": "alignment", "label": "l" }, // * "type" and "label" are optional
{ "url": "gs://../file2.bed", "type": "bed", "label": "l2" },
"categoryName": "gCNV Batches",
"rows": [
"name": "gCNV batch1"
"data": [
{ "type": "gCNV_bed", "url": "gs://../file2.bed", "samples": [ "sample1", "sample2", "sample3",...]},
"name": "sample1"
"data": [
{ "type": "vcf", "url": "gs://../file.vcf", "name": "l" }, // * "type" and "label" are optional
{ "type": "alignment", "url": "gs://../file.vcf", "name": "l" }, // * "type" and "label" are optional