Repository containing website for ungoogled-chromium binaries.
IMPORTANT: These binaries are provided by anyone who are willing to build and submit them. Because these binaries are not necessarily reproducible, authenticity cannot be guaranteed.
This website uses GitHub Pages on the master
branch. Use this link to see the webpage. An Atom feed is available here.
For problems, suggestions, and questions, please use the Issue tracker.
When creating new pages or adding new versions, use an existing version as a template to follow. If you have questions or suggestions, please create an Issue.
- Python-Markdown for
Steps to publish a new binary. An example of these steps is in the next section.
- Fork the main binaries repository (ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium-binaries)
- If this has been done before, pull in new changes from this one if necessary.
- Create a new Release (i.e. using GitHub's Release feature) in the fork and upload binaries to it. The tag name used must be unique for each Release; it normally matches the ungoogled-chromium version.
- Upload binaries to the new Release
- Use
to generate an INI file with the correct URLs to binaries. Redirect the standard output to an.ini
file in theconfig/platforms
directory with the corresponding version as the name. Pass in--help
for usage information. - If necessary, update
. If you are uploading the first build for a new version of ungoogled-chromium, this needs to be updated. - Run
to generate the new HTML files. There are no arguments. It must be run from the root of the repository. - Push the resulting changes in the repository. Make a pull request against the main repository.
- This can be bypassed if one is part of the Binaries Team.
is currently restricted to generating INI files with URLs to binaries in GitHub releases. If binaries are uploaded elsewhere, then the INI must be created by other means.- Additional changes can be made to the website configuration before step 5 as necessary.
Example command-line steps (with comments, denoted by a hash #
symbol). Replace YOURNAME
in the steps with your GitHub username.
First-time setup:
# In GitHub, fork ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium-binaries to YOURNAME/ungoogled-chromium-binaries
git clone
cd ungoogled-chromium-binaries
git remote add upstream
Publish binaries:
This example demonstrates publishing Debian 9 (stretch) amd64 packages located in /path/to/binaries/
for ungoogled-chromium version 99.0.1234.567-1
# In GitHub, create a new Release on YOURNAME/ungoogled-chromium-binaries with a name "99.0.1234.567-1" (without quotes) and a new tag "99.0.1234.567-1" (without quotes; insert it into the tag field). Upload all necessary files from /path/to/binaries/ into the Release.
cd ungoogled-chromium-binaries # The same as the one setup above
git pull
# Edit config/valid_versions and add "99.0.1234.567-1" (without quotes) only if it does NOT exist.
./utilities/ 99.0.1234.567-1 YOURNAME /path/to/binaries/*.deb /path/to/binaries/*.changes /path/to/binaries/*.buildinfo > config/platforms/debian/stretch_amd64/99.0.1234.567-1.ini
git add *
git commit -m 'Add 99.0.1234.567-1 binaries for Debian stretch amd64'
git push origin master
# In GitHub, create a pull request in ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium-binaries with the new change in YOURNAME/ungoogled-chromium-binaries