Ensure you have taskwarrior 2.4.x or higher.
Install using pip:
pip install taskwarrior-time-tracking-hook
And add it to your Taskwarrior hooks:
mkdir -p ~/.task/hooks ln -s `which taskwarrior_time_tracking_hook` ~/.task/hooks/on-modify.timetracking
Add the totalactivetime
user defined attribute configuration:
task config uda.totalactivetime.type duration task config uda.totalactivetime.label Total active time task config uda.totalactivetime.values ''
Add to reports (replace list with whichever report type you want to modify):
task show report.list.labels ID,Active,Age,...,Urg task show report.list.columns id,start.age,entry.age,...,urgency task config report.list.labels 'ID,Active,Age,Time Spent,...,Urg' task config report.list.labels 'id,start.age,entry.age,totalactivetime,...,urgency'
Use task <TASK ID> start
and task <TASK ID> stop
to record when you have
started and stopped working on tasks.
Tracked time is stored in a task duration attribute named totalactivetime
holding the total number of seconds that the task was active.
By default, this plugin allows you to have one task active at a time. You can change this by setting max_active_tasks in taskrc to a value greater than 1.
Delete the hook:
rm ~/.task/hooks/on-modify.timetracking
Remove the User Defined Attribute (UDA) configuration:
task config uda.totalactivetime.values task config uda.totalactivetime.label task config uda.totalactivetime.type
Remove the Python program:
pip uninstall taskwarrior-time-tracking-hook