A wrapper API for GitBook to search across pages and spaces. Useful for Saas or products with a search bar for docs and knowledge base.
Initialize the client with your GitBook token. Since the initialization, you can use GitBookSearch.I.client or GitBookSearch.instance.client to access the client.
import 'package:gitbook_search/gitbook_search.dart';
void main() {
GitBookSearch.initialize(token: 'token');
/// Your app
final res = await GitBookSearch.I.client.search.query("...");
if (res.error != null) {
print('Error, code: ${res.error?.code}, message: ${res.error?.message}');
final spaces = res.data! as List<Space>;
for (final space in spaces) {
/// Do something
final res = await GitBookSearch.I.client.ai.ask("What's a Column widget?");
if (res.error != null) {
Logger.printError('Error, code: ${res.error?.code}, message: ${res.error?.message}');
final answer = res.data! as AIAnswer;
/// The Column widget is used to create a vertical layout for any UI ...
final text = answer.text;
/// What is the Main Axis and Cross Axis in a Column widget?
final followUpQuestions = answer.followupQuestions;
/// The pages that contain the answer.
final pages = answer.pages;
- Search across pages and spaces using a String query
- AI-powered search using a natural language query
- Get a list of spaces
- Get a list of pages
AI Lens are recent and need a future update from GitBook. At the moment, they are documented as Post requests, but they are actually Get requests. We will update the package as soon as possible.