A curated list of awesome tvOS sample code and learning resources. For swift libraries have a look at awesome-swift.
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- Apple TV Tech Talks Videos
- Beginning tvOS development - Ray Wenderlich
- Develop Client-Server App for Apple TV
- Developing for the Apple TV with tvOS, Swift, JavaScript, and TVML
- Developing tvOS Apps with Swift
- Swift and Metal GPU programming on tvOS for the new Apple TV
- Top Shelf API - Video Tutorial
- Hands-on with the tvOS SDK
- Apple TV tvOS Hello World app in Swift
- How to Create Apple TV’s Parallax Effect
- Mastering the tvOS Focus Engine
- An introduction tutorial to tvOS and Sprite Kit
- tvOS Development
- Slides & examples from a presentation on tvOS at Nashville CocoaHeads
- TVML Catalog - Using atvjs framework
- TVML Catalog - iOS Developper Library
- tvPong
- An Emulator for tvOS that supports multiple systems
- Swift and Metal Example for tvOS
- Example tvOS to show IMDB movies
- Integrating 3rd Party Controls by Telerik into tvOS
- An open tvOS app for free and public available classic films
- TVDML - simplify app development for Apple TV using React.js