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Bus Detective

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  • Elixir 1.6.6
  • Erlang 21.0.1
  • Nodejs 8.11.1
  • phantomjs for browser tests
  • Postgres with postgis extensions

Installing Prerequisites

This guide uses asdf-vm to manage prerequisites when possible. For a great guide on getting started, see Greg Mefford's post here

git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.5.1
source ~/.asdf/

asdf plugin-add erlang
asdf plugin-add elixir
asdf plugin-add nodejs
bash ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring

asdf install erlang 21.0.1 # This takes a while sometimes
asdf install elixir 1.6.6
asdf install nodejs 8.11.1

asdf global erlang 21.0.1
asdf global elixir 1.6.6
asdf global nodejs 8.11.1

asdf rehash nodejs
npm install phantomjs-prebuilt

# Install Postgres (on a Mac using Homebrew)
brew install postgresql postgis

Development Setup

Customize the GTFS urls (optional)

  1. Copy the apps/importer/config/dev.secret.exs.example to apps/importer/config/dev.secret.exs and replace the schedules data with your local transit authority's GTFS schedule feed (a zip file usually called or something similar)

  2. Copy the apps/realtime/config/dev.secret.exs.example to apps/realtime/config/dev.secret.exs and replace the feeds data with your local transit authority's GTFS trip update feed url and vehicle positions url (the locations usually end in .pb denoting a protobuf file)


  • Run mix deps.get from the project root
  • Run npm install from the apps/bus_detective_web/assets folder
  • Run mix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate from the project root
  • Run mix phx.server from the project root, and the app will:
    • download the GTFS schedule data and import it
    • poll for the trip updates and vehicle positions data
  • Assuming all goes well, the log should get to a point where it says "Projecting stop times"
  • Visit localhost:4000 in a browser and search for a relevant stop. You should get search results very quickly.


  • Run mix test from the project root for tests


Deployment to heroku should be fairly straight forward. You will want to add the following environment variables which will be picked up by prod.exs in the import and realtime apps:



This project rocks and uses (MIT-LICENSE).


GitHub's guide for Contributing to Open Source offers the best advice. ​


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b cool-new-feature
  3. Run the Elixir formatter: mix format
  4. Run the Elixir linter: mix credo --strict and resolve any problems (or ask for help if you're stuck)
  5. Run the javascript linter: cd apps/bus_detective_web/assets; ./node_modules/.bin/eslint js/**/*.js (or ask for help if you're stuck)
  6. Run the tests: mix test and make sure they pass
  7. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Added a cool feature'
  8. Push to the branch: git push origin cool-new-feature
  9. Create new Pull Request.